I’ve been sleeping with this guy for over a year now. so last week i (f23) went to go see him (m34) and we had sex. after that he went to the bathroom and i was laying in bed when i heard him start peeing then suddenly he farted but it was like really loud and sounded wet.. lmfao. i heard him let out a “omg” response then the toilet flushed. i pretended i didn’t hear it even though his bathroom is connected to his room and it was dead silent šŸ˜­. he came out and we didn’t say anything about it.. he just asked me if i was hungry and what shall he order. when he dropped me off home i was thinking about never seeing him again and my feelings for him became less strong than before all because i heard him fart. he asked to meet me this sunday but im making excuses and i don’t wanna hurt his feelings. does this seem immature?

  1. Omg hahah sammeee !!
    Iā€™ve heard my FB poop before and last time he came over he threw up. I do get the ick and a bit disgusted but after a while Iā€™m ok with it bc at the end of the day is normal and we are only human. Youā€™ll soon forget abt it. Just give it a couple days/weeks. Iā€™m sure after it will be like nothing and youā€™ll be back at it. If thatā€™s not the case then you know is your right to stop seeing him and thatā€™s okay. You ā€œtolerateā€ what you can. Donā€™t feel bad abt it! (:

  2. He farted… in a bathroom… his bathroom…

    Some people just have no respect for others. I think you might be one of those people.

  3. Hahahaha do you expect him to go outside every time he has to fart just in case you MIGHT hear it??? If a man cannot fart in his own bathroom then I donā€™t know what the world has come to. You better hope you never accidentally let one out when heā€™s around or heā€™ll get the ick! You guys literally look into each otherā€™s buttholes, I think you might need to grow up a bit if you canā€™t handle normal bodily functions of the people youā€™re intimate with. Not saying you have to love his fart air but cmon lmao

  4. Ridiculously immature.

    Imagine you yourself farted, or queefed during sex. How would you want the man you’re with to handle it: like an adult that understands it’s normal sound that bodies make, or like an embarrassed teenager? Grow up, smh.

  5. So like….you never fart?

    Because let me tell you…my wife tried to not fart in front of me for sooooooo long…but she did because it’s inevitable.

    Now? Let em ripppppp

    It’s literally a normal bodily function *that you do as well*

  6. I guess the OP is right to feel the ick. A fart !!! Ewwww!!!

    Unless when the OP farts, itā€™s going to smell like roses and releases gases that will reduce Global Warming!!!

  7. Itā€™s how you feel, whether people say youā€™re immature or not, itā€™s not going to take away to ick feeling you have. Nothing probably will. Get back on tinder.

  8. Everyone farts..? That’s a totally normal human thing to do maaany times a day…? He was in his own bathroom, immediately after a lot of activity. I’m not seeing the issue.

    yes, you’re incredibly immature.

  9. Eh, @OP do YOU fart?!? This has to be the weirdest reaction to a fart Iā€™ve ever heardā€¦ from a grown up as well.

  10. Immature of you? Probably. Are you allowed to feel the way you feel? Absolutely. Can you change how you feel? Probably not.

    Whether itā€™s immature or not, you donā€™t have an attraction or interest in him anymore. Is ending it over a fart really worse than stringing this guy along?

    I have lost interest in someone for things Iā€™m sure people would consider petty. People are allowed to lose interest in someone without it making them a bad person.

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