A lady 47F friend that I’m talking to informed me she is HIV undetectable. I never even knew that was a thing. Any way, what do I do?
Has anyone out there dealt with this?

  1. Yes. After encountering someone with HIV/u I did research and found out I was safe. There is still a lot of uninformed people. Best to do your research.

  2. Undetectable HIV viral load means she won’t transmit through sexual activity, so long as she remains undetectable. There are options to further protect yourself, including condoms, PreP or modifying what sexual activity you participate in. The first step, however, is education from a reliable and reputable source like planned parenthood or your local HIV advocacy group.

  3. I had a similar situation so I did a lot of research on HIV and there was a long-term study over a period of years of U=U patients who were married or in committed relationships to look at rates of transmission. The couples were not using any protection and the ONLY cases of the other partner being infected was when the U=U skipped doses or otherwise didn’t follow the med regimen.

    I didn’t feel safe having unprotected sex because I didn’t know the guy well enough to know if he was the type that *might*
    forget to take his meds. I explained my concerns and I told him he’d have to use a condom. He pushed back and tried to convince me I was overreacting and that just didn’t sit well with me. I thought it was a reasonable request considering it was my health at risk, but he didn’t take it well. Needless to say, I stopped dating him.

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