Went to a restaurant after work to grab dinner, and I was sitting at the bar where I was greeted by this cute bartender that I’ve seen before.

She took my order and we just started talking here and there and what we do. Gave her a little compliment when I was figuring out her age as I thought she was younger, but she would look better older and that she doesn’t have to worry cause she looks fantastic. Sort of blushed and thanked me, then told me that it applied to her mother who looks much younger than she is.

After that we just gave each other smiles throughout the night as she was busy (didn’t want to be annoying), had a brief conversation towards the end as I was teasing her about something I said earlier and she explained how busy her work gets.

I really enjoyed her vibe and just slipped her my number as I was leaving and thanked her for her service. I figured it would be best done discreetly as she is working and don’t want to interrupt her. The note said:

> “Hey, I really enjoyed talking to you. Let me know if you wanna hang out sometime. Here’s my number X”

Whether she texts me or not, it felt great putting myself out there!

  1. Don’t get bummed if she doesn’t call you. She is in a job where she must get hit on a lot. After a while, you become anesthetized to the attention, but must still remain graceful. I’m sure she appreciated the interaction with a nice guy who did not make her uncomfortable. If she doesn’t call, just remain friendly and kind when you see her again. That will make you stand out above the others who come on too strong.

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