We started having a situationship about a year ago and things were really good even considering I just got out of a 3 year relationship. Like really good. I was really unsure if I wanted a relationship or not and needed time to work on myself as well, she is so understanding and realised this a while ago. We both have some personal trust problems due to the past and had talked about it previously but never in depth. After about a year of us being a thing, she ended things between us saying she needs time to herself and she thinks I do too (which I mostly agree on) but ever since the breakup I’ve realised how much I’ve messed up and really come to realise she is the girl I need and want for the rest of my life. I’ve told her so since the breakup but she was still adamant on the breakup, saying we need to work on our problems and maybe one day things can work out between us once we’ve grown. My real question is, do I need to try and move on ? Forget about it ? Or should I hold onto my love for her and hope she will take me back ? I really don’t know what to do as I love this girl with all my heart, she needs space so I don’t want to nag or annoy. Pls help

  1. You confessed your love, and she rejected it.

    The matter is settled.

    It’s over, move on.

  2. You can hold onto your love, but don’t let it stop you if you find someone else. That’s all I can say from my personal experience. Same situation and age gap, we’re both just a year older (21F) and (24M). Just love her from afar, but if you meet someone else don’t feel guilty and go for it. Sometimes a door in your life will close so you can grow and become better, either for that person or for another.

    It’s sad and heartbreaking I know, but that’s just what life is so don’t do anything that can make her angry with you and accept it with sincerity. Accept your losses and hers and be a better you by learning new things, go to the gym, work hard at your job to get promoted, buy yourself something you really want and need, and so forth.

    Goodluck brother 🤝🏼 you’ve got this.

  3. She clearly said no. It means dont go there. If she wants she will come back but just move on dude. You will only digg yourself to deep if you dont stop nagging her.

  4. You want a relationship, she doesn’t. There’s nothing else to do but move on. Don’t try to convince her. I know it’s hard because you really want this, but that’s life. You don’t always get what you want and you need to learn to live with it. Take some time to focus on yourself. And then start dating other women. There are tons of beautiful and amazing women out there. Don’t waste your time on one that doesn’t want to be with you.

  5. She said no, don’t simp wtf. Move on. Most young men like myself lack to realise that break ups are one of the best times to turn that emotional & mental energy into tangible progress… Hit the gym, dedicate more hours to self-improvement, take that risk in business, etc.

    Move on playa, only feel on the past to pick out it’s lessons & never to wish things were like that again.

    You’re a young buck, you won’t be this age again. This is the age that can potentially cause your peers to play catch up in 5 years time.

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