As title suggests, I have no clue. I’ve had one girlfriend in Highschool, but it was someone who approached me first. I’ve never once in my life approached a girl. I know it’s never too late to start, but I’m in my 4th year of engineering, so there are only a handful of girls in my classes, and none of them have particularly piqued my interest. I would prefer to meet someone through a mutual friend, so that gives us a chance to kind of hang out and get to know each other in a group setting, but that has yet to happen. The idea of approaching a random girl who knows nothing about me when I know nothing about her seems bizarre to me. And I’ve tried dating apps, but those have turned out to be a waste of time. The usual advice is “you just have to put yourself out there” but I’m not even sure what that means. I’m not afraid to meet new people, but I just don’t know how to. I should also mention that I’m handsome, tall, funny, etc, but it’s the internet so you have no reason to believe me.
Thank you for your time

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