Have you ever had a paranormal experience? If so what happened?

  1. My parents’ dresser was knocked over once. Big, old fashion one made from hardwood. Super heavy and not easy to move. It was as if someone pushed it over onto my parents bed, while* my mom was sleeping. Lightest sleeper you’d have ever met, but somehow never woke up.

    After finally getting my mom up, my dad and I lifted the dresser up, put it back where it belonged, and cleaned up everything that was on/inside of it. Clothes, jewelry, TV, dvd/vcr player.

    We finally got everything put away and were going to write it off as a freak accident. But then we noticed something was missing.

    They had probably 6-7 candle holders on it, which fell as well, and all* of the candles were missing. We looked for probably 30 minutes, in their now clean room, and finally found them. They were all lined up in a perfect line under my dad’s side of the bed behind the bed skirt.

    Apparently my dad’s grandmother gave them the dresser and she wasn’t a very big fan of my mom. Not exactly sure, but that was a pretty wild one lol.

  2. Yes. In my hometown back in Southern California. Back in the 80’s when the burbs were exploding my future neighborhood was installing a series of walkway bridges and bike paths that connected communities. One night in like 82-83 a girl around 13-14 years old got into some kind of argument with her parents and ran off on her bike. While some of the bridges and pathways where completed some weren’t. And on that night she went on one of the bridges that wasn’t finished, she unknowingly rode her bike off what was a 40 foot straight drop of and fell to her death. Which is incredibly sad.

    For years people in and around that neighborhood reported seeing her riding her bike around at night time wearing in the same blue jacket and red baseball cap she left with that night. And these weren’t just rumors, there were dozens and dozens of people including firefighters, cops on patrol and even my friends dad that lived other there had claimed to have seen her.

    So one night about 10-12 years ago im on my way home really late like 2-3AM in the morning and I came stop at a red light very close to where the accident happened maybe half mile or so away. I thought it was funny, because I was the only car on the road that I could even see and this light was not a major intersection but nevertheless I stopped. As I’m sitting there, waiting for the light to change, I notice something out of the corner of my eye on the corner of the street light. I glanced over for not more than maybe a half second and sure enough staring right at me was her sitting on her bike with a blue jacket in the red cap looking right at me. I do a quick double take forward and look back to the corner of the street and she was gone, just as quickly as that happens the light suddenly changes to green and I cant do much other be perplexed as to what I just saw, all I can do is to make my way home.

  3. I was at a keg party and lost track of time; I had a curfew of midnight at the time. I come home at 3 am, my parents always stayed up for me, the house was dark. I went to the back door it was locked, I walked around the back of the house to the solarium door, it was locked. Then I heard my mom’s voice from the front of the house telling me to come thru the front door. When I get to the front she is not there and the front door is open, I enter the house, and no one is there. I assumed she went back to bed, so I go upstairs to my room. The next morning while she was cooking breakfast, she asks what time I got home. Puzzled I say that I left my watch in the bathroom and did not know for sure. She then tells me that my dad and her got so sleepy at 11 that they went to bed and did not know when I got home, then asks how I got in the house. I simply say that they must have left the back door unlocked by mistake.

    Starting about 6 months before this happened, I started seeing shadows of a person in my peripheral vision, no matter how fast you turn your head you cannot look directly at them. If I only had gotten caught sneaking in at 3 am I would have been grounded and would not have met the girl that I would marry and waste the next 24 years of my life on. Stupid shadow people, after I met that girl, their damage was done, and they vanished, and I never have seen them since.

  4. We had a cat that would sleep on our bed, every single night and usually in the middle between my wife and me. He HATED any other animal, especially other cats and freaked out if anything came near him that he didn’t recognize. Sadly he was really old and he spent his last day with us laying on our bed until eventually we took him to the vet so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.

    A few years later we adopted another cat from a shelter. She was very young, energetic and super friendly. No matter where I sat she would come up to me and either lay next to me or on my lap.

    One night after a few weeks we heard a loud hissing/growl and my wife screamed. Our new cat for some reason went absolutely nuts, scratched my wife’s arm all up, tore a blanket and took off. I went to find the cat and she was cowering in the corner with her fur all puffed up. I grabbed her to bring her back into the room, she took one look at the bed and freaked out this time scratching my arms all up. We lived in that house a few more years and she never went into our bedroom again. She’d always look right at the bed and take off. Never scratched either or us again and honestly haven’t even seen her mad since then.

    To this day I have no idea what happened that night and why she freaked out. Could have just been a dream or something. I generally don’t believe in ghosts or paranormal events. But sometimes I wonder if she saw or sensed something.

  5. A long time ago at my granny’s house in Indiana. I was staying the weekend there and it was late. I was doing laundry and was leaving the laundry room when I was shoved from behind. It was enough to make me take a few steps forward to catch myself. I was like “wtf was that?”. I looked around the corner in the laundry room to see if maybe something fell or someone was back there, but it was just me and my granny in the house and she was asleep in her room on the other side of the house.

    Freaked me out and tried to rationalize it, but I couldn’t come up with a logical reason. Especially since I felt the shove.

  6. Oh big time

    So one time I was in my room playing video games. It was getting late so I decided to stop and go to bed. I made it to my bed and turned the lights off and immediately closed my eyes. Now my eyes were closed but I was still awake. But when they were closed, I felt something whisper in my ear “Don’t worry, we’re here”. It was so real that I felt the breathe on my ear. Immediately woke me up and I didn’t sleep a drop that night.


    The next day and every single night for the next 8 months or so, at around 3am, there would be a light knocking on my door. Like if you were trying to get someones attention without waking the entire house. Id respond with “Hello? who’s there” and never got an answer. It would just pause for a moment and keep knocking in groups of 5. Eventually I started ignoring it. And I know that im not crazy because I used to have girls over all the time and without fail, they’d wake me up to tell me that someone was knocking on my door. Id have to get up and show them that no-one was there. So I have multiple people experiencing the same thing.


    Finally one night I am in my room getting in bed and I notice a very black shadow swaying in the top corner of my room. It was so black that it looked like an abyss. But it was swaying and it made me feel very uneasy. Id turn the light on and see if I could find what was in my room that was moving. Couldn’t find anything that was moving that could have created that black shadow.


    The next morning I finally go downstairs and tell my parents. As im telling my parents, my mom says that she is experiencing the same thing and right then, our back door swings open and slams shut. And this was particularly weird because this door took an extra level of effort to open. Like if you hadn’t opened the door before, you wouldn’t be able to. You had to turn the handle a full 180 degrees before it would disengage the lock.


    After that, no more shadows, no more knocking, no more spooky experiences. Never had a problem from then on. Looked it up and apparently there was a famous murder next door to my house. A guy pretty much convinced these teen kids to come to his house and party and something happened and the police found him and like 8 kids hung in his attic. They ended up tearing the house down and pricing out the property and the house we have fell on that property.


    So pretty wild experience.

  7. I went to the bathroom at 3am and when I went to the sink the lights began to flicker and my body fell against the wall and I was half conscious for about 20 seconds before I got back up. I still think it was because I stood up too quickly but damn was it freaky when it happened

  8. I was working at a bar in college which had a pool room a few steps down from the main bar/dance area. I was mopping up in bar area, all alone, with all the doors locked, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye in the pool room.

    I stopped mopping and walked over to look and see if a patron was still there, but it was empty. I turned around to face the bar area, and saw one of the large lights that hung over each booth swinging crazily, as if someone had given it a huge shove.

    I prepared to fight whoever might still be in the bar, but I searched the place from top to bottom, and no one was there, and all the doors remained locked – no one left from the inside to go outside. The morning bartender showed up hours later, and I explained what had happened and she got a tense expression on her face, saying that she had had strange experiences too.

    To this day, I can’t think of any logical explanation for what could have caused that.

  9. I had a friend in middle school that could see my dreams. He recounted several of them the day after.

  10. Sitting in my living room, alone in the house. The recliner / rocker chair across the room violently rocked forward and slammed back down. Scared the shit outta me. Typically don’t believe in paranormal stuff but this was just… unexplainable. Never felt the same in that house again and we moved shortly after.

  11. I was invited to Reno by my best friend and another friend tagged along with us. All three of us were around 15-16 and we went with his parents, who graciously got us our own room.

    It was around 11 or so at night, and we were in the hotel watching TV. I remember the time because it was a show we all really liked (True Life on MTV) and it had just started at 11.

    I was watching the show when all of a sudden, I blinked and the show had skipped ahead to a completely different part, instantly. I got confused because the show wasn’t making sense, and I thought maybe there was a glitch in the network or I had fallen asleep briefly.

    My friend then asked, “wait, what happened?” We started talking about how the show skipped ahead and wondering what happened when I looked at the clock and realized that the time was now closer to 11:30.

    I don’t know how or what happened, but somehow all three of us had no recollection of the time between 11 and 11:30. The show literally started at 11, we started watching it, blinked and all of a sudden it was almost 11:30.

    Literally no idea what happened between those almost 30 mins…or how we seemingly skipped ahead in time.

  12. About 7 or 8 years ago I got the job of painting a group of newly renovated apartments in an old magistrates Court. The building had been split into 6 small apartments. Most of the building work was done, the builders had left and the apartments hadn’t been rented or even advertised yet. For much of the time I was completely alone which suited me fine, I had the keys and made sure to lock the front door behind me whenever I went in.

    Every day I could clearly hear footsteps passing by the doors of whichever room I was in and ascending/descending stairs, and occasionally heard doors opening. The first few times I would go check who has come in, but there was never anyone there, the entrances were still locked up and every room deserted. Eventually I just ignored it, until I got to one particular bedroom. I just couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, and it felt like it was coming from the en suite bathroom. It was bugging the fuck out of me, someone was watching me from the bathroom, I was certain of it. This room was hot; it was a reatively small room, but the lighting circuit was off that day for some reason so had several halogen work lamps blazing, raising the temperature just above comfortable. I step into the bathroom, and as I step through the doorway, he only I can only explain it was as if I’ve stepped through a curtain of ice, it chilled me to the core. Inside the bathroom was hot, but obviously nothing was there. I stepped back though the curtain of ice, popped the lid on my paint tin and fucked off to the pub for a pint.

  13. My girlfriend and I were sitting on our bed planning our day out and what not, when I noticed someone move away from our bedroom doorway. She stopped talking mid sentence because she saw the person too.

    We were home alone as usual but we both saw the same thing. Someone leaning into our bedroom with their hand on the doorway and we both noticed when whatever it was turned and walked out of sight.

  14. Unfortunately, no. I actually worked for a ghost hunter for a while and left without seeing something that seemed paranormal.

    I’d love for ghosts to be real, I was really into the paranormal as a kid. Made the world feel a little more magical.

  15. I’m not sure if I’d exactly call this paranormal. But my grandmother died when I was in college. My mother was staying at the hospital with her. One morning I woke up and the first thing that went through my head was “I need to call and check on them” I picked up my phone to see it was like 4 in the morning, maybe a little earlier. I told myself “they’re probably asleep, I’ll call them when I get up for my 8:00 class.” My father called me a couple hours later crying to tell me that my grandmother had passed away and that he was on his way to pick me up from my dorm (I didn’t have a car at the time).

  16. Two stories!

    1. My last dog died an old man – about 16. In the two weeks after he died, I had three odd experiences. First, I came home from work and heard his bark from the other side of the door as I was putting the key in the lock. The apartment was, of course, empty. His bark was pretty distinctively him, and it was a big cement high rise, so dog barks didn’t travel that much. The second time, I was brushing my teeth and something flew off the bathroom counter – it didn’t just drop. It crossed the bathroom. Lastly, from my desk, I could see into the kitchen, and for several seconds I could see my old dog trotting towards me in the dark as I sat at my desk one evening and then he was just gone.
    2. My first apartment out of university. The previous tenant had died after living there a long time. We met his daughter when we toured the place because she was cleaning it out. My bf at the time was into Wicca, and he said he saw a figure in that apartment, but I ignored him because I didn’t really think much of Wicca. One night, I was going to bed and turning out the lights. When you looked into the bathroom, you could see a reflection of yourself and the open door of the second bedroom behind you, which featured a big window that went from waist height to the ceiling. About four feet wide – so a pretty big window. We had no curtain on it, and we were up on the 16th floor. As I was looking in that bathroom mirror and turning out the light, something moved in front of that bedroom mirror – blocked out the light of the city entirely, all the way to the ceiling. Stayed for a second or two, and then this shadow moved to the left, revealing the glow of like 1am Toronto again. I hoofed it and joined my bf in bed.

  17. I personally don’t remember anything but supposedly when I was younger, not sure the exact age but I walked into my parents room and told them there were lights outside. It creeped my them out. The next day they talked to some neighbors and they confirmed seeing lights in the sky very low with no sound. I wish I remembered something but my folks remember it like yesterday.

  18. I was maybe around 13 in South America in a rural town with my family at my grandma’s house. We were there to help them renovate the house, and one night, I woke up in the middle of the night. The room was dimly lit, and on the wall in front of me, I saw a tall shadow with a small head. I stared at it all night and used my phone light, and it didn’t go away. I didn’t sleep that night, and in the morning, my parents were purifying the house, and a back door, a hefty one that led to the farm behind the house, slammed shut right behind me. That was my second paranormal experience before that was when I was idk how young but like around the age you stop sleeping in your parent’s bed and basically while I was sleeping facing the wall I felt a big hand on my back, I instantly jumped out the bed and went to my mom’s bed after that I always sleep facing the door.

  19. I was raised in the house my grandfather built, where he raised my dad. When it happened, I was young. Maybe 12? I never knew my grandpa, he died long before I was born and that’s all I ever knew of him. No pictures on the walls, no stories being told. One day, some time in the afternoon, I was just laying around doing quite literally nothing and nobody else was home. I ended up falling asleep on the couch for what ended up being about an hour, I think.

    I had a really, really intense dream that seemed to only last a few seconds. It didn’t feel like any of my other dreams. It felt like some problem had been solved that I didn’t know I had. I saw somebody I felt like I knew but I had never seen before. He was wearing sunglasses and was sitting in a wheelchair across the room from me. We were in that same room I fell asleep in, but most of the furniture was different. No words were shared between us. He just glared at me and shook his head deliberately before he stopped and just looked down. There was a rifle in his lap. He seemed angry and ashamed. That was it. That was the dream.

    Some years later, we’re going through some things in the closet and we come across grandpa’s drivers license. Remember, I had never seen a picture of him before now, but as soon as I saw it my heart sunk. I’ve seen that man before, in a dream.

    At some point I started asking my mom about him, and how he died so young. My dad would have never told me because he was the one who found him when he came home from school in the afternoon. He had shot himself. He was distraught over losing his legs and was in a lot of pain. He had went from someone who landed on the beaches of Iwo jima to someone who couldn’t even use the bathroom without help. He became bitter, angry, and ashamed of his situation.

    He shot himself in the room I had the dream in, in the same spot he was in where I saw him. I’ve never met him, but I feel like I met him then. I just wish it was under better circumstances.

  20. At my grandmother’s house there is a room at the end of a L shaped corridor, on the left, that everyone call “the room in the back”.
    When I was a child I hated sleeping there. Something just felt weird about it. I felt a presence, something nefarious. One night I experienced something truly bizarre in that room. I woke up on the floor in complete darkness. Streetlights would usually provide illumination through the entire night and the windows weren’t fully covered, so the fact I was in total darkness was already pretty strange. But what was even stranger was that no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t find the bed. The room was small and furniture was basic (bed, shelves, cupboard…) and I quickly decided to find a wall and to follow it until I either found the door or the bed. I never find either. I could not recognize the furniture I stumbled upon and never found any wall. I remained on the floor for a while, scared and confused but not wanting to wake up my family only for them to find me lost in a small room in the middle of the night. I feel asleep on the floor and in the morning I woke up in the bed. I’m quite certain it wasn’t a dream.
    Many years later, as an adult, I was visiting my aunt in a different country. Just to clarify, she’s from the other side of the family. My aunt has always described herself as a witch and always has paranormal experiences to tell you about. As I was talking with her she mentioned the only time she ever visited my grandmother’s house, in the 90’s. Immediately I decided to test her and asked her if she had sensed anything unusual about that house. She opened her eyes wide and said, I quote: Oh, yes! The room in the back!”. I had never discussed that room with her before. She proceeded to tell me something was very wrong with that room on a spiritual level.
    Once I got back from my trip and while visiting my mother, I finally and for the first time decided to ask her what was up with the room in the back. She froze and seemed scared. She told me that when she and her siblings were children they had invoked spirits there for fun, holding hands in a cercle and asking for them to knock three times if they were there. They ran away when three loud knocks were heard.

    So yeah… It seems my mother opened a portal to the afterlife or something in the 70’s and since then the room in the back is haunted, lol.

  21. My sister, who is anti religion and anti paranormal. She was an air hostess in Australia. One night, they were put up in an older style hotel in Adelaide. She was in the kitchen making a snack, late at night, when suddenly the blinds started wildly going up and down on their own and the taps started running in the sink. Lasted for about ten seconds. They didn’t end up staying in that hotel that night

  22. I was a total sceptic well into my adult years until I experienced the paranormal full-on everything from my name screamed out (with others present), being physically hit, an entity mimicking my brother’s voice and knocking on the front door asking to be let in and so. I am no longer a sceptic.

  23. Used to live in rural Australia. One night 2 friends and I were laying on the grass looking up at the stars chatting. We all noticed 3 ‘stars’ that would move across the sky, come to a complete stop for a moment, then move off again at a 90 degree angle. We watched these for about 20 mins.

    If there were not others with me I would’ve though it was my kind playing tricks on me.

    This was in the mid 90s, so before drones.

  24. I worked as a cook in a nursing home for a bit. I would get in early and make breakfast and lunch, which means I got there at around 5:00 in the morning.

    I had to cut through the main activity room to get to the kitchen, and as I was walking through the empty, dark activity room, the Bingo balls started rolling in the bingo cage.

    Scared the hell out of me, but thinking it was one of the CNAs playing a trick on me the early in the morning, I ran across the room and put the light on to see nobody was there. Every table was folded up and leaning against the wall, chairs were stacked and the bingo cage was on a cart in the middle of the room and there’s no way anybody could have spun that wheel without me seeing.

    We also had the steel rack in the kitchen thet hung from the ceiling from chains in which we hung all our pots and pans on.

    Twice at this job did I see the whole rack sway back and forth like we were on a ship in a storm, audibly shaking all the pots and pans for a full 25-30 seconds. This is in Central Jersey, where there’s rarely ever in earthquake that’ll shake the ground like that.

  25. A few years ago one evening around late dusk I was walking a .5 mile stretch of straight road with my dog. About halfway down an old gentleman walking the opposite direction passed me. I found this odd because normally no one is out around this time in this area. About 5 seconds passed after wondering why he was out here so I turned around out of curiosity. There was no one on the road. I was completely alone. I’ve never forgotten this and it gives me chills to this day when I think about it.

  26. I’ve had two that were very specific to my culture… In my culture when a close relative passes you are supposed to cut your hair particularly your braid if you have one. when my sister was about 5-6 she one day randomly cut her braid off and came out and showed my dad about 10 minutes later my dad got the call his brother had just passed from a massive heart attack. My uncle and sister were very close and my dad said he must have stopped and seen her quick before making his journey to the spirt world…my other happened in my early twenties…I got in a bad way for a time and had a bad cocaine addiction…in my culture drugs carry bad spirits and energy with them…one night after a couple day bender I was sitting at home in the middle of nowhere when about 3 am in the morning there was a very loud knock on the door I ran to the window but no one was outside…scared me straight and I started to clean up

  27. I had several at a machine shop I used to work at, most notably when I was manually facing a part in the CNC lathe I ran, the ghost whispered my name in my ear. I stopped what I was doing. It threw me off for a second. I hollered at the closest guys to me to see if they had tried to get my attention, nope.

    As an entire night shift crew, there were sightings, EVPs, and other weird shit we saw/heard, but it was never malicious.

  28. I moved to Australia and my mind was obliterated how uniform in thinking everyone is and how sterile and suffocatingly isolated the place is. Freaked the shit out of me.

  29. When I was a kid we would stay at my grandmothers house a lot. At night it sounded like someone was stomping up and down the stairs but no one was ever there. It was a very old house that has since been torn down.

  30. I’m almost certain I was dreaming but it definitely didn’t feel like a dream usually does.

    When I was around 13, my Aunt’s longtime boyfriend just suddenly dropped from a heart attack. They had been together for so long we all called him Uncle.

    My Aunt (who never dated again btw, this was 27 years ago) was utterly crushed. My Dad (her brother) wanted me, my brothers, and our cousin to take turns staying the night with her for a few weeks to keep her company. As the oldest of the bunch, I got to go first.

    I’m laying on the couch around 1am watching TV when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs (stairway was behind the TV). Just when I would’ve expected to see the feet, they stopped. I sat there, stunned for a moment, shitting bricks. I called out “Aunt Joanne?” No answer. I wait a moment, and I say “I miss you Uncle Larry”. I hear some shuffling and footsteps head back up the stairs. No doors closing/opening. I shut the TV off so I could hear, nothing. Fell asleep.

    Of course I didn’t want to trigger or freak my Aunt out, so I asked if she came downstairs at all, and she didn’t.

    Another related activity, me and my two brothers used to share a room right next to my parents. We were being loud a week or so later after that same “Uncle” died and my Dad kept having to come in to tell us the shut up. Finally after the 4th time, my Dad turns the light on and storms over to my brother to give him a smack on the ass (it was the 90s sue me) and just has his hand was about to come down, the bedroom light flickered. It never did that. My Dad stopped and looked at all of us and we all looked really uneasy at each other.

    “I’m serious guys. I have to work at 4am, if I have to come back in here one more time, not even your Uncle Larry will save you from an ass whooping”.

  31. I am on the cusp of believing or non-believing.

    but, I swear up and down, the night my grandfather passed away, my cousin and I spent the night at grandma’s house and we both woke up out of a deadass sleep to hear sounds of him.

    his walker creaking in the kitchen, his cough, grunting. all his normal behavior before he was hospitalized.

    it was wild.

  32. I lived in a 4 br apartment that had been a hotel suite in Detroit. Really cool place, almost 100 years old with a cage elevator that didn’t work but the stairs wrapped around, Joni Mitchell had lived there, lots of energy. One night I looked up from working on my computer at a shoe that was laying on its side on the floor. It rotated up to sit like I’d be standing wearing it, then another 90 degrees to the other side. Never saw anything like that before or since

  33. A couple years ago I was on a date in the Seattle Underground. The original city was built at sea level but after a fire in the 1800’s they raised the city up so now, for a few blocks downtown, there’s a whole area underneath the streets with old building facades and sidewalks and you can go on tours that show you around and tell you the history. It’s pretty cool.

    Anyways, this particular tour was a paranormal tour where they take you to an area, tell you the history and paranormal things that people claim to have seen/experience and then they turn out the lights for a few minutes and let you explore and see if you can catch any ghosts before moving on to the next area.

    My date and I are in a room during the exploration part, walking around, and seeing if we can see or hear anything and I feel a tap on my shoulder. It was weird because it was kind of a tap/pinch that even made my shirt move, I can still remember the sensation…it’s weird. But at the time, I assume it’s my date trying to get my attention so I turn around to ask her what’s up. But when I do, I realize that she’s a good 10-15 feet behind me and a few feet off to the side, essentially in the opposite corner of the room from me and doing her own thing. She definitely didn’t tap my shoulder and get that far away in the second or two it took for me to turn around, and she for sure didn’t do it without me hearing her do it. So I just kind of stood there for a few seconds trying to process what had happened and not being able to come up with a good explanation.

    After the tour ended we hung back so I could tell the tour guide about it and he asked if we had been in a certain area when it happened. I told him that yes, that’s the area we had been in, and he just shrugged and said that for whatever reason men feel like they get tapped and women feel like they’ve had their hair tugged when they’re in that room.

    I don’t know what it was, but it was weird. I didn’t have an explanation for it at the time and I still don’t.

  34. Can’t divulge too much because I don’t need people finding out my real life persona, but let’s just say I dabbled in some stuff as a teen I shouldn’t have. I then started experiencing weird and scary occrances at night. One such night I woke up to a jerking in my sleep. I didn’t know if it was my bed or if I was doing one of those weird things in my sleep where my body spazzes out. I sat up to sort of prove to myself it was me. I looked around and waited a bit. I nodded knowing yeah it was me in my sleep. I lie back down slowly and keep my eyes open. I then feel my bed sink at the edge as if someone sat down at the end. There was enough light in my room to see no one was there and no one could fit under the bed. I sat up again and rubbed my face and eyes and opened my eyes wide. I started saying my ABCs to myself to prove I was awake now and if it happened again I was definitely awake. I suddenly hear a Lord-Of-The-Rings-like raith hiss in my ears and my bed vibrates a bit. I panick and go running to my brothers room because it was closest. All I can do is jump in his bed and hold him as I screamed. I was just so scared it was all my body could manage to do in response. He of course woke up startled and asked what I was doing. The fact that I’ve never done something like that made him believe me when I told him and continued to shake and scream. The next night some weird stuff happened again only this time to him. He panicked and came to me. The final night of haunting, my mom woke me up. She’s very religious and had a candle of sorts with Catholic symbols. I just woke up to her walking into my room saying “Go away! You leave him alone!!” As if she was mad. I sat up and asked WTF she was doing. She said “I heard you sacred and calling for help. You said they were taking you.” My mom continues and I see the flame in her candle now grow to a huge flicker and the flame was no joke like 6 inches tall. I had never seen anything like that before or again. I said very scared “Mom wtf….! The light!’ She just said “yeah. I told you!!” She said some prayer I don’t in Spanish my brother and I slept in the guest room for the next 3 nights. Things actually stopped after that.

  35. Went camping with my college roommates and some girls. One of them brought a Ouija board and the other freaked out and threw it into the fire.

    It started screaming.

    What was supposed to be a fun night filled with fun got really fucking somber after that

  36. Was locking up a school in the evening after a summer camp. It was in the summer and the custodians stack the desks up in perpetration for moving them out of the rooms to do the floors. I was walking past this one classroom and heard a loud BLAM. I figured maybe a stack of desks had fallen over. I go in and look around and nothing is out of place. I shrug it off and walk up the hall and finish locking up. As I am walking back down the hall past the classroom a small plastic bead comes flying out of the room across the floor in front of me like someone had thrown it. I again go in and look around. Nobody in the room and nothing going on in the room. The next week I talked to several of the custodians who also told me they had seen and heard all sorts of weird stuff while alone in he school.

  37. Every now and then, I hear the handles jiggling upstairs when no is home, I just ignore it and move on.

  38. Was walking with a mate along a bike trail at 4am, we both stopped symoltaniously, and i said.. bro do you see that. He said yeh.. there was a glowing girl, in a white gown with black hair. We both hauled ass. If I was alone id chalk it up to maybe.. me seeing things. But since both me and my mate saw it? Yep . Was a motherfucking ghost

  39. In college me and some friends moved into a house. One of the first nights we came back from a night out and we see the oven timer counting down and all of a sudden go off. None of us were in the house or set the timer. Few days later, at night, we were all in our rooms and all of a sudden heard the back door open and heard 1-2 footsteps enter the house. We’re all texting each other “did you hear that?” We go and check and door is closed, locked, and no signs of enter. To this day idk if it’s a fluke or if it was something else but it definitely freaked us out. Nothing else happened at that house to our knowledge.

  40. Long story short, when I was a 7/8, things would turn on and off in my house by themselves. As an adult, my friend’s house was definitely haunted. Things turning on and off, hearing someone walk around in an empty room, faucet in the bathroom would turn on by itself, weird moving lights, shadows, one time a hair trimmer (not battery powered) came on even though it wasn’t plugged in, you’d hear breathing over you when you tried to sleep, etc. It was crazy.

  41. Confrontations with demons.

    I won’t go into details, but it does amuse me when I see posts from atheists.

  42. My pup was the sweetest little gal. My true partner in crime. She was robbed early from a cancer surgery and never recovered. To this day I feel crazy but I swear on occasion she’s here. It’s just me in the house now, but I’ll be in my office and see a small shadow / light movement under the door crack. This past weekend I was laying in bed. My dog door whizzed opened and flapped.. ok maybe a gust of wind, but I then heard nail on floor noises like it was her running in. Absolutely shot shivers down my spine. I got up thinking I’m either meeting my little phantom or a brave raccoon but alas saw neither. I’ll be a bit of a mess when I move from here as I swear she’s here in some odd capacity.

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