Could be a relationship or just dating phase
Spill the story in details!

  1. I’m not over how good the sex was with my ex. Mind blowing. She came on my dick like I was a sex god.

  2. The laughs. We would go out places and be laughing our asses off the entire time while all the couples around us looked bored

  3. Kind of depends on how you define “fall in love” and “still not over”.

    But there is someone who I still somewhat frequently think of, when my thoughts start to drift.

    At “Gym class” in 8th grade, we were on the gravel football field (soccer field, for you Americans), doing whatever you do in “Gym class”, some sort of game or something. When I lock eyes with this gorgeous girl, when I say locked I mean locked, I saw straight through her, I knew her next move, she knew mine. I was as if we had suddenly synced.

    I think she took a liking to me over the two years we were in the same class, however nothing really happened, I decided at 15 to “go my own way”, which might have played into nothing, although I didn’t change much if anything from the outside.

    A memory that is probably forever burnt in to my minds (along with the above mentioned complete lock of eyes), is at the graduation. I left early, she stood there in her yellow dress as I said goodbye to one of my mates and told him I was leaving, she looked shocked, the look of shock turned in to more of a look of distraught as I turned back walking out her life.

    Part of me wonders what would have happened if I had made that 180° turn that day, which part of me wanted, but I’m kind of glad I didn’t in hindsight because of the challenges I have faced since, which she wouldn’t have deserved to be dragged through.

    __Edit:__ It is not like I haven’t “gotten over her”, it is more a wondering about those “instances”. And why or what my gut feeling has been trying to tell me on and off when every my thoughts drifts on to the subject. And the fact I haven’t really ever experienced something similar.

  4. It was just how she acted and talked to me. She was always so genuine and caring for me, and my background I never really had that. Had to fight for just about everything I have in my life more than I think I should’ve. But not her. She came into my life and was there for it. She was there for me, and she loved me. Just the way she’d look at me made me feel like the happiest most loved man in the world. She had problems (well obviously we both did) and I thought we talked enough and worked on stuff enough together where it could work, but she never fully talked to me. She’d never tell me everything or she just wouldn’t tell me somethings at all. She would try and work on stuff but it was a lazy attempt. Eventually she just sorta got a feeling we wouldn’t work and it was over I didn’t stand a chance. She wouldn’t talk to me about it it was just done. I slowly watched that beautiful amazing look leave her eyes when she looked at me. Now when I see her it’s like a fucking ghost. She’s with someone else after a sort of short period and it’s a whole situation that I’m aware of because I helped her figure it out. It fucking kills me. I had to sell the ring I had gotten for her and honestly I still don’t feel right since. Everything feels wrong. Home isn’t home. Trying to get back into dating I just feel guilt and like I’m gonna be sick. Even though she wouldn’t work on stuff with me i dont know why but I’d give anything to have her back. Just typing this I feel like a wimp as I’m getting teary eyed.

  5. Probably my “crazy ex.” Women usually ignore me or they are aggressive and insulting towards me so when I met this woman who was pretty and funny and she was being really nice to me it blew my mind.

    Later on when we started having a lot of fights she told me that she could tell from the start that I was a outcast type of guy & she used that to mess with me. She said it in a different way but that’s what it was.

    If you ever wonder why “he won’t commit!” this is why lol.


    Her actions contributed to the relationship, Her eyes were on the relationship, not on her phone looking over the wall. She had hobbies and interests, but as 20yo’s she wanted more life expereriences, and c’est la vie.

  7. I’m happily engaged now to another woman but there was this one girl I went out on a few dates with who I still think about from time to time. She was absolutely gorgeous, she was half Nigerian and half Vietnamese with the most amazing hair, skin, and smile. Not only was she gorgeous, but she was incredibly talented at all things artistic. She was doing contract work for a lot of big game studios like Bethesda and iD designing monsters and landscapes. She was also an incredible musician as well. She played piano, had a beautiful singing voice, and she could play banjo as well. We got along like best friends.

    She had a house right on the lake where we spent an Saturday (our 4th date) kayaking, having water fights, drinking, and just enjoying each other’s company. I spent 12 hours with her and I still wanted more time with her. On date number 5, we finally had sex and it was incredible. Not trying to be too incredibly graphic or sound like I’m trying to write a porn but she had the most perfect body. Her breasts stayed exactly where they were when I took off her bra. She had an ass like a 20-year-old stripper. She was in really good shape and her body curved and all the right places. We made love and I actually almost cried afterwards because I had been with dozens of women up to that point but it was never anything more than sex. With her however, I had felt this deep longing in my soul that I had never felt before for another person. It was this desire to stay with her and never leave her side, to make her feel good in every way that I could, to share my life with her, and to protect her from anything that would do her harm. I was definitely falling hard and fast.

    She ended up taking a job out of state so we went our separate ways which was heartbreaking. She deleted her Facebook a while ago so I have no idea where she is now, but wherever she was going, I hope she made it there.

  8. She was super nice and absolutely beautiful. To this day I don’t remember her ever saying a bad thing about anyone. Even before we dated she was a great friend and would always look out for me. She would go out of her way to take an interest in the stuff I liked and I did the same for her. She’d go to sporting events with me, watch them with me on TV and listen to me ramble on about that stuff. Even though I know she didn’t care. While I had no problem sitting through tons of cheesy chick flicks and listen to her talk about her favorite musicals. Separated by distance at times we’d send each other long handwritten letters, sometimes gifts and we’d talk on the phone for hours. It seemed like no matter what we did it was fun and just genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. She never complained about anything and always went out of her way to make sure I was happy. Even if she was going through a tough time. 15 years later I vividly remember just about every day we spent together, a lot of the conversations and ultimately the reasons why we didn’t work out.

    She was definitely the right person at the wrong time in life and I hate that I’ll never get another shot. We’ve seen each other in public a few times but we don’t say anything. I’m too afraid and just assume it’s better not to bother her. It would be so nice to talk to her again like old times though and see how she’s doing.

  9. She made me comfortable with every part of who I was.

    And man, her smile.

    And MAN, could she suck a dick

  10. I grew up emotionally neglected, an absent father and an apathetic mother.

    She was the only person I’ve ever met that gave a shit about me. Like I can’t describe how awesome it was to have someone who cared about me, like genuinely cared. And asked about my hobbies and interests. I’ve never had someone ask me about the music I like and try to get into it.

    It’s hard to finally feel like you have someone who cares, and then you’re just back to being nobody again.

  11. She had everything I was looking for. Kind, intelligent, funny/goofy, worked on herself mentally and physically, treated me well in fact treated me the best any woman has ever treated me. It sounds cheesy, but seeing her smile made me as happy as anything. She made me comfortable enough to be open and vulnerable around her and she never violated that trust. Everything wasn’t always perfect, but when there were issues we talked it out and found solutions. One of us could have something terrible happen and know that we had each others back and support.

    Physically she was my type to a T. Darkish curly hair, great smile, god tier ass and big eyes. Mentally we clicked and we would often spend late nights having great sex and then getting stoned listening to music and talking about all sorts of random stuff, the universe, a movie, life, just whatever odd stuff came into our heads. Like a lot of other comments I see, the cherry on top was the sex. The sex was just the best of all time for us both, I think we were old enough to understand ourselves sexually and communicate with each other without any weird feelings. Humble brag, but I’ve been with a few absolute sexual freaks and none of them had what we had.

    In the end, it was all stuff out of either of our control that caused me to end the relationship. Honest to god, if things could all suddenly change, in our favor, I’d be at her doorstep tonight trying to make it all happen again. I don’t know if she’d say yes since I was the one to end things, but I think I’d have a great chance.

  12. I don’t know about love but I did cross an ocean to see her so I guess it counts. She was just so sweet and kind and funny and pretty and so. fucking. hot. She always knew what to say or what to do to make me feel like I mattered. However, the thing that made me realise I was crazy about her was when I walked her to her bus stop after a party in college. We were both pretty drunk and we started to sing together and the way she looked at me that night…..that little glance at me and smile to herself. Nothing happend that night and although we both like each other I doubt anything serious ever will happen because of distance and that makes me miserable as I’d love nothing more than to have her in my life again.

  13. She was the first woman who wasn’t family that seemed to genuinely care about me. What I mean is, she was the first woman who wanted to be the one to love me and be there for me. Situations would never allow for that though.

    I can’t say that I am still not over her, because I definitely feel like I have moved on from that. But I will say that I do use the feeling she gave me as a reference for when I do decide to date again.

  14. He held open every door I walked through. Even my car door before I’d get in to drive back home. He didn’t get mad at me when I was overthinking and he would explain things to me to reassure me. His main love language was physical touch so he was almost always holding either my leg or my hand and always kissing me. We always cuddled and the massages were so nice. Although he wasn’t big on words of affirmation, I still felt like he cared for me. Eventually he broke it off by saying he just has a lot going on atm and he can’t give me the attention I deserve. Even though I do know it’s just bs tbh because he can still go on night rides with his new lil biker friend group. I just wasn’t important to him. I wasn’t a priority to him. I think I’m starting to move on although part of me might still be waiting for him to come back.. yk.. that text saying “hey I’m ready now. I miss you”. Idk…

  15. Her ass.

    Also being able to relate to her on an emotional and mental capacity. Because she’s the scapegoat kid like me.

    Also her GREAT ass. Lmao

  16. We talked casually for 2 months and then she disappeared and I forgot about her, but then she returned a month later and said she had been depressed and that she was sorry that she hadn’t replied sooner, and that repeated a couple of times, and because she always decided to come back after she disappeared, and every time told me how much she appreciated talking to me, it made me feel like she really liked and cared about me and that I could trust that she would always return. But it’s been 4 years since she disappeared the last time, now.

  17. I dated a girl that was so fucking beautiful that people literally had to comment on it. She was 1/2 Mexican 1/2 white and just ridiculously beautiful. She hated it. And seriously after a while it got really fucking old. She was a raging alcoholic, smoked a pack a day, but just gorgeous. I fell in love with being admired for being with her. But it was hell, guys were constantly trying to steal her. No respect was given. Never been with anyone like that. It was absurd. She broke my heart, I was a disaster for months. But I got over it, but I still think about that girl a lot. It was ridiculous

  18. Two words: Trauma bonds. Once I got sober and started getting healthier, it took me a long time to separate logic and objectivity from codependent emotional magnetism. I’ve gotten attached to people in the past because they’re a bright shiny toy that allows escape from reality but now that I’m finally living a proactive life, the pros/cons lists are just so skewed it’s impossible to ignore the data.

  19. Her eyes, no god damn idea why but it was enough to make me waste over a decade trying to date her

  20. I knew I could fall in love with her when she ate 7 jalapeño poppers from Jack in the Box after our first time snowboarding together. From the moment we met, everything felt natural. Text messaging her was effortless because, for the first time in my life, I was vibing with someone who vibed back with me. When we first met, we rocked back and forth listening to music with her family, who happens to be some close friends of mind as well. We were inseparable, any moment I can hold her hand or feel her touch, I took it and she did the same. We were together for nearly 3 beautiful years. We had arguments like every couple has, but the last one was just so bad. It’s been over a month since we broke up, but we still message here and there. I miss her so much, and despite our major argument that broke us, I still love her. My brain tells me to respect the break-up, and my heart tells me that she’s the love of my life. Thats where I am right now, full of loss and love at the same time. I will never let go of her because she has changed my life in such a positive way and thats the way I honor her without being together. I know she can move on and start a new chapter in her life. And I just simply find it incredibly difficult. I do wish her the best of everything because she deserves it.

  21. Innocence. She’s far from it, but that’s what I loved so much about her at first, she seemed like she had so much in common with me.

  22. She reciprocated everything, always like we both wanted the exact same thing from the other at any moment. Instant chemistry. First I guess it was her smile the most beautiful i’ve ever seen to this day. Then it was the unapologetic “I love you”. What made me realize she was the one was when I had to stop talking to her that first evening and I just couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot until I went to sleep and the next day she admitted the exact same thing.

    To this day she was the smartest (computere scientist), most talented (played many instruments), most beautiful (elected most beautiful girl in her town), the kindest and most open minded, mature woman I’ve ever met. She was also the most skilled and aggressive in bed. She didn’t give a shit about gender roles and wanted to protect me, a bit of a tomboy. Would sing me a serenade before we went to bed.

  23. Simply the fact that I always knew without a doubt where I stood with her. I never once questioned how she felt about me and it was intense beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. Not in a creepy way either. You could see it in her eyes, in her actions, in the amount of effort she put into the relationship. But her family and her religion had a different plan for her and they nearly drove her mad before I had to let her go. I’ll never forget the intensity of that experience.

  24. when we walked and held hands or when I put my arm around her waist, we just kind of melted together into one.

  25. A girl who listend and cared but was also independent. She came from a good family so we wasn’t looking for some egotistical man to fill her daddy issues. Was old school in terms of morals. She was fun and entertaining but also not a crazy modern ego thirsty women like most attractive ones that know they can find validation over social media. She hardly cared about that. Just likes to be present in the moment. Sex was great but hanging out with her felt just as good as any orgasm. We went our owns ways after I moved. I respect her decision to stay closer home when I moved away. I miss her a lot

  26. Open, unbiased, nonjudgmental, non filtered, grounded, communication with no animosity whatsoever.

    There is nothing like being able to speak freely and it be respectful reciprocated.

  27. She seemed excited about me. Made me feel like the center of the universe, like we had something uniquely special. It appears she was just really good at that, and sex. I believe I could form a small club of men who are still hung up on her.

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