women of reddit, how do you deal with men considering you dumb or lesser than them?

  1. I don’t. I move on. I assume massive insecurity and I don’t want anything to do with it.

  2. I ignore them.

    I graduated from x universities, with y degrees, and am successful in z field. I don’t need to prove myself to ignorant misogynists.

  3. As long as they are not perverts or thugs, I ignore them and all their bull.

    Not worth any of my time or energy.

  4. I laugh to myself. Most of the ones that say that are pretty ignorant and underachievers. Not worth getting worked up over. They can live with their delusion.

  5. I don’t. I don’t need to prove anything to someone projecting their shortcomings and misogyny onto me.

  6. I don’t lol my ex thought I was dumber than him but actually it’s wild how this man spent crazy amounts of time and money planning a trip just to bail 3 days before and even worse he’s not even rich lol so yeah that’s when I realised maybe he isn’t as smart as I had thought he was

  7. I’ve only had this with older male relatives tbh. It use to drive me crazy, now I put them in their place lol

  8. Ignore them unless it’s a situation where I can’t, like work, in which case I bring supporting data to back up my argument.

  9. Why is that my problem?

    Obviously they have some misogynistic views that’s reflect more on them than me, so that’s between them and whatever women they have in their lives.

  10. If I HAVE to interact with them regularly I twist things around. They treat me like I’m stupid? I explain a concept to them very slowly in a condescending tone. They try to act like they’re smarter? I crack a joke about how we’re literally on the same course and how clearly he’s a stereotypical “alpha male”

  11. Usually I just judge them silently. Sometimes it’s accompanied by an obnoxious grin.

  12. I don’t. Why tf would I care what they think of me? What they project onto me is their business, not mine. Unless the start treating me like I’m stupid, then we have an issue.

  13. Depends on the situation. If it’s at work and with someone I manage, I stop them in their tracks and call a 1on1 meeting to discuss the behaviour. If it’s my senior then I call it out on the spot. I outline the behaviour without feelings and ask them if it is their intention to come across like this. If they double down then I exit the conversation.

    This does not obviously mirror everyone’s situation l, but I have done this since I started my career. I’ve reached a level0 of respect at my job and people know I take no bullshit, but also that I am fair

    When I’m around strangers I don’t engage in the conversation. I look at them like I would a toddler and just stay blank. They usually manage to make a fool out of themselves because more often than not they are trying to get a reaction out of you. When they fail, and you stand your ground as the “respectful” person in the equation, they look like assholes.

    Don’t escalate, don’t argue, don’t respond with your emotions. It’s not worth the emotional labour.

  14. Ah I just use it against them.

    Eg in a work scenario… “oh this is probably a bad idea but have we thought about doing ___this thing that I know is correct based on my years of experience___?”

    And then we actually get to solving the problem instead of the men at work bickering over their egos and ignoring my input entirely.

    Sometimes it’s okay to manipulate men lol

  15. I work in a male dominated industry and am the only female on my team. Across all our departments we make up less than 10% of the team and everyday they treat me like I am less than, despite the fact that I am leading in our stats.
    I continue to treat them with respect. Giving in to their biases will only hinder yourself. Stay strong and true to who you are and that will take you further than anything they could do as a male ally.

  16. They’re not worth my time. I’d prefer to surround myself with people who aren’t dumb sexist pigs.

  17. Generally, I ignore them.

    Sometimes, I’m bored and I’ll just continue to ask questions with increasing confusion to the point where it’s literally unbelievable that I wouldn’t know the answer. It infuriates them and pleases me.

  18. I stand up tall, because I’m tall, they hate that, and then I ignore them, walk away.

  19. There is no sense in trying to argue with these men. They will not listen to anything a woman says. Depending on whether this man is a friend of a friend or a coworker or a boss or a customer, different strategies are required. Of he’s an acquaintance, I will just ignore him. If he’s a customer or a manager, I might choose to coddle him in order to get what I need from him, but this is grating and I can’t stand it for long.

  20. If someone is committed to misunderstanding me, I’m not going to waste my energy convincing them otherwise.

  21. 🤣 I work with people like this all the time. I try to find a work around, if none is available, I move on and ignore the fuck out of them and show them how it’s really done

  22. Sometimes I use it to my advantage to get free shit. I get to play dumb while scamming the real dummy. Otherwise, I ignore them and move on, which typically makes them feel inadequate anyway

  23. I let them say whatever they became i know their poor cognitive functions won’t allow them to understand me so i let them be and keep being smart and awesome

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