My first threesome

I (F41) have a non-exclusive boyfriend (M40) and recently we’ve been discussing exploring some kinks.

It seems like there is strong potential for an MFM threesome with my bf and another guy (M36) I met online who is age appropriate, really cute and seems like he’s into the same things we are.

My bf is straight, but is happy to play around and take part in kinky scenarios. We are both very into penetrative sex and we fuck 1-2 times a day when we are together (a few times a week). He has a MagicCock™️ and I’m obsessed with it.

I’m straight but happy to explore, and while I’m really open to adventures, I’m quite new to anything outside of vanilla, monogamous piv.

The ‘invitee’ is bi, and has indicated he’s really into going down on both of us, watching us fuck, and eating me out after my bf cums in me.

The invitee and my bf have never met but seem fine with the idea of each other. They’ve seen photos and both are casually eager.

This is my first threesome and I *really* want to do it.
Of course I’d like it to be fun and enjoyable for all of us if possible.
I feel like my bf being there will help me feel safe, he’s a protective guy who always makes sure I’m okay.

I really love the idea of being satisfied by these two men, and watching/hearing them have an amazing time.

Can anyone tell me what to expect, in terms of pitfalls, boundaries, things I should be asking for or things I should be wary of?

This is very new to me and I’d rather it was fun than regretful.


  1. Do a meet and greet first. Grab a drink, establish ground rules for all 3 parties. Flirt. If it goes well, give it a shot.

  2. Just be open minded and have fun. Definitely be clear beforehand with any boundaries any of you have as in the heat of the moment things happen but if talk boundaries beforehand there is a less chance of that happening. Dont get too drunk a couple drinks ok . Maybe play strip poker or a sexual game to break the ice. Good luck have fun

  3. Just be super clear on limits for everyone. Especially around things like anal, DPs, etc. Everyone should be alert that no one feels left out. Check in with each other.

    Since you’re non monogamous/exclusive with your BF there’s a pretty good chance it’s going to go really well. It’s super rare for things to go wrong with more casual partners.

    You said you might be exploring kinks (I’m assuming more than what you talked about.) Don’t forget aftercare. Affection, caring, thanks for everyone. Your BF might do well hearing how you think of him as “a man” and respect him. If any of the kinks get really rough I always like more aftercare.

  4. There are posts here every week about people that tried a threesome and it turned out badly. If you’re asking about pitfalls, read those threads.

  5. Limits and communication are key, never hurts to have a safeword. I discovered my bi side a while ago and have been exploring it some, with my friend and his wife and we talk about everything we want to do before we do it.

  6. Probably should talk about what specifically everyone is expecting to do in terms of sex acts otherwise it could be awkward. Also sometimes a straight dude can’t function with another guy naked near him. You won’t know until the times comes.

  7. Have some simple generic porn scenarios ready so you all can fall into character easily.

  8. if there is anything that is off limits (physical or verbal), make that clear from the start. also be open to the idea that everyone wants a turn in the fun, so you might get exhausted lol. i did one with 2 guys before and i was so tired from switching back and forth lol

  9. Threesomes always end up badly. Always creates jealously and ruin’s relationships. I recommend you drop all this before it’s too late

  10. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun! Best advice i can give you is to be completely open with him and have a serious chat with post nut clarity. Have you two ever had a talk about it and going all the way when you are both not sexually worked up and naked with each other? You should talk about boundaries such as condoms with a stranger or none? Cum in you or anywhere else? Kissing between you and the new guy? Anal? Talk about anything that you aren’t 100% with right now. And also work out a way for you two to communicate during the activities that can say you are ok with everything so far or hey can we slow down. A safeword for a full stop that can be used for either of you. And how important it is. If you aren’t able to have this talk then you aren’t ready to have the threesome. Good communication between you and your bf will make this a fantastic experience that will lead to more fun and a closer sexual relationship or it will break communication down more and you will have to work to get through to each other as easily as you do now. Dm if you wanna chat more. Good luck and have fun. My girl and I swing on a regular basis and it is so freeing.

  11. Meet in a public place, at first. Prepare some safe words between you and your boyfriend so you can say “no, I don’t want to have sex with this guy” , while you are talking to him, without creating any hard feelings. Never advertise your home or work addresses.

  12. The fantasy is often better than the reality imo, often causing problems after be careful I’d say

  13. The big pitfall is your casual bf ends making things more casual after seeing you with another guy. Who has been leading this conversation, and was casual bf aware you had been interviewing potential candidates?

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