so i (17f) am in high school. the homecoming dance is this saturday, and a girl i know is hosting an after party. i’ll call her n. n, my close friend f and my other friend j all sit at a table together in my 5th period. f, j and another girl who was invited to the party are all in my homecoming group. by group i mean; we’re going to get dinner together before and take pictures, if you know anything about school dances you know what i’m talking about. so, me and j aren’t invited to the party. but we sit at this table with n and f. here’s the thing: i’m really close with f, i’ve been friends with her since freshman year, but she’s been acting weird in regard to homecoming. j and i REALLY badly want to go to this party. j just wants to party, i’m not sure why i want to go but i know i just really want to go. so today in 5th period, i worked up the balls to ask n about her party. i was hoping f would help me out and say “yeah, i need a ride” (j offered to drive, this is how we planned to get into the party) but instead she got annoyed and said “don’t tell n i’m the one who told you about the party.”


anyways, after class i asked n if j and i could come to the party and be the ride for our two other friends (in our group) that were going. i don’t know if i interpreted what she said wrong, but i didn’t take it as a no. she said her parents put a limit of 20 people on the party, BUT that the amount of people attending was already up to 40. she said she didn’t want to make any promises, but that she wanted us there and that if anyone decided not to show up to the party we could come.


so where’s the issue?


the issue is that i don’t know what to do. i want to just show up to the party, but n never explicitly said yes. if f and the other girl from my group were into me and j going, we could all pull up together and it would be fine. but i don’t think f wants us there despite the fact she’s one of my close friends. idk. i don’t have n’s number, i’m not close with her so i don’t have any way to communicate with her about it, and i feel bad asking her the night of / springing it on her. she said she would tell f if we could give them a ride and go with them, but i don’t trust f to tell me if i’m invited because she doesn’t actually care wether i come or not.


so what should i do?

i know reddit is probably not the best place to go for this kind of advice, but i exhausted all of my other options.

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