Americans, what country do you consider to be your closest/strongest ally?

  1. I feel like Canada isn’t the strongest but deff our closest. The UK is solid but I feel like they’re probably not what they used to be in terms of strength either. Australia seems like they’re aiming for the top spot lately and I feel like they’re probably underestimated

  2. Canada. We’re siblings that live next door to each other, that’s pretty close.

    The kind of closeness that essentially obligates us to defend them no matter who attacks them or why.

  3. It’s Canada. And I’m not biased even though I live here and my daughter is a Canadian.

    We not only cooperate militarily, but we even have some integration of our military command structure when it comes to air defense (NORAD). That’s pretty damn close.

    The UK is technically stronger. So they may be our “strongest ally” in terms of power and influence. But, as far as day-to-day operations, it’s definitely Canada. Recent events have taught us how important it is to have friendly neighbors.

  4. Closest? Canada.

    Strongest? Hard question, I think most of our allies are objectively quite weak, with combinations of economic, demographic, and military afflictions. Britain, I guess. Maybe Australia in the future.

    I don’t consider France an explicit ally.

  5. Closest? Canada, and I don’t just mean geographically. Our cultures are nearly identical. We share the longest non-militarized border in the world. Through NORAD, our air forces function almost as one unit. It’s a a very unique relationship.

    Strongest? Probably the UK. Their military isn’t exactly huge, but it’s VERY capable and they work very closely with ours.

  6. Canada is our bestie we love Canada ❤️ other than them… Probably the UK and France! They’re like our weird granddads 🙂

  7. For as much as their country’s Redditors love to make fun of us, it’s undeniably The United Kingdom.

    The “special relationship” is completely unlike anything 2 global powers have.

  8. Tier 1A. Canada

    Tier 1B. The UK

    Tier 1C. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Israel

    Tier 2. The rest of NATO

  9. In no particular order, Canada, UK, EU, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Australia, Israel, and NZL. Mexico is the most important trade partner and even though we don’t always see eye to eye and the history is tragic, we’d blow to bits anybody who even so much as lay a finger on them.

    In the future, I’d like to see the USA draw closer to democracies in peril by aggressive neighbors.

    In this I think of Ukraine, Armenia, Taiwan, and Bosnia. All four are extremely vulnerable.

    They may not have much to offer in terms of natural resources, but they’re democracies, they share our values, and letting them fall is setting a precedent that dictators can get away with genocide.

  10. 1. We are closest to Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands due to the compact of free association. They are by no means strong, but they are the closest countries.

    2.Canada is the most important country to keep friendly, even if not strong militarily.

    3.The United Kingdom as we do lots of military exercises with them, and have sided with each other in most cases since WW2, and they are strong militarily.

    4.If we are looking at the next strongest ally that would be France because Nukes, but if we are looking for the closest ally that is still rather strong I would say Japan.

    5.Israel is next, it’s rather strong though it can’t deploy troops all over the world. Provides intelligence information about the larger Middle East, and we work closely together in many fields.

    6.South Korea is a militarily strong country that we have a mutual defense pact with.
    7. I will put the rest of NATO at this spot, because of the mutual defense pact.
    8. Any other country that the US has a mutual defense pact with.

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