I mean I’m 17 and I love climbing trees but I don’t see anyone else my age doing it. 😭

  1. Sometimes I’ll put red paint on the highest point of where I get to like mark my progress

  2. I’m in a tree right now, although I did have to use specialty gear to achieve such a feat.

  3. I’m in my 30s and I haven’t stopped. I don’t do it as often as I used to when I was younger, but I still do it. For a bit, I was adjacent to doing it professionally. I worked as an arborist for a while, but the certifications involved to be a professional tree climber get complicated. It’s one of the most dangerous professions in the country. But, I’ve met a few people who make their whole career out of it. They are fucking crazy, but a good tree climber is worth his weight in gold.

  4. I met a guy who loved climbing trees so much he made it his career (one of those guys that climbs up with a chainsaw to remove branches/cut the tree from the top down). There is specialized tree climbing gear if you want to get serious. I looked into it, but decided to stick with rock climbing. Although I will likely get some gear at some point in the future. My backyard is a forest and I would love to mount a hammock in the canopy.


  5. I never learned how, and I wasn’t really strong enough to pull myself up. The neighborhood kids quickly figured this out. When we would play hide and go seek they would all hide up in trees where I couldn’t tag them.

  6. I used to love climbing trees. Hanging out in isolation up there was great, but I stopped when I got a real job, which was one year younger than you are now.

  7. I think 9 or 10 was the last time, but not because I wanted to stop! We moved and we no longer had a giant tree in the back yard. I miss that tree.

  8. I’m 57 and haven’t stopped. I’m not as adventurous or capable, but I was up above the 2nd story gutters on my house last summer while doing pruning.

  9. 13, cause we moved to Florida and palm trees aren’t fun to climb compared to oak 😂😂😂 I’ll still climb them though if I find a good tree

  10. The last time I climbed a tree is when I was 18 and i tried to impress a guy i liked.

    It must have worked because he followed me up it lol

  11. Maybe 13 or 14.

    But that’s because I’m a fucking giant and a lot of trees stopped being able to support my weight combined with me not having the upper arm strength to compensate for all my new torso and leg meat.

  12. Probably stopped in 5th grade at a max, though may have climbed one at one other point beyond that.

  13. I’m 38, and I’ve never climbed a tree. Frankly, with my disabilities, I don’t think I ever would have been able to.

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