What do you do when you feel like you’re only existing and not living?

  1. When you’re watching the news and keeping up with politics. Go outside and enjoy life turn your TV off

  2. For me, that’s a symptom of my depression creeping back in. So I schedule an appointment with my therapist.

  3. I play TTRPGs, cuddle my plushies, eat and think about overthrowing capitalism.

  4. Start having fun. Go out with friends, take up a new hobby. Eat some new foods.

    Also, think about what you’re spending your energy on. Could it be something that made you happier?

    Also, go to therapy, you might be depressed

  5. I make plans with friends that I feel comfortable with. Just one day. It doesn’t have to be a frequent thing. I go out and get my hair, nails, and eyebrows done, I put on some nice makeup, and I dress up. It recharges me like crazy.

  6. Start saving money for a plane ticket to a nice place with mountains preferably

  7. I kind of force myself to have fun since I know that I will feel better afterwards. I make plans with friends or go to the library or the local shelter and cuddle with some animals there. This makes me feel like I make a difference even if it’s insignificant for most others it means the world to me in those times.

  8. Soy adolescente y me siento así las mayoría de veces, llego a casa y solo estoy acá sin hacer nada que me guste o entretenga, necesito vivir mi vida como adolescente como hacen otros pero este sentimiento de soledad ni siquiera me lo permite, podre estar muy bien acompañada pero me siento vacía como si no tuviera nadie que me apoyara, con nadie que contar, solo existo.

  9. I go outside for a run, breathe and feel the sun on my face. Dance to music I love alone in a room with my eyes closed. Buy myself something sweet and consciously enjoy eating every bite.

  10. I sign out of all social media and go outside – rain or shine. I’ll find a new path to walk along and I’ll just spend time admiring everything around me. No phone, no headphones, nothing. Just enjoy the outside.

  11. I make plans to meet the people that feed my soul, being out in nature helps too, noticing the little things like the birds or new blooms, sometimes I’ll put on a Ghibli film and if I can I’ll book a holiday or find a creative class

  12. Go outside, sometimes I just go sit in my yard, look at the sky and trees and shit, and take deep breaths. Makes me feel more present in the world

  13. I go climb a big hill and scare myself. That feeling of coming over the brow of a hill you’ve been struggling with and sweating up for 2 hours and can’t see over or round, to suddenly see it all laid out below you like Eden is incomparable to anything else in life. I think if I fucked someone I loved on top of a mountain I’d actually pass out. And if they had a parachute for us to drift gently to the bottom instead of having to kill my knees staggering down I might just pass AWAY from sheer euphoria.

  14. I go outside lay in my hamic listen to Daniel Ceaser and H.E.R. And read in the shimmery sunlight of a cool spring day.

  15. I give myself time. Depression is real and if I struggle to get up in the morning, I will try my best to wake up and make my bed. If I do that and have breakfast, I already feel proud of myself

  16. I practically force myself to go for long walks on the beach to Clear my mind. Sitting by the beach the ocean definitely helps me clear my anxiety & worries. after that I come back with a smile on my face & not stressing about whatever that had me stressed in the first place.

  17. Usually for me there comes a wake up call. Sometimes in the form of an unforseen event, but regardless, something that makes me say to myself “I need to get my shit together.” I’ve been going through the motions of a wonderful new job these past few months, 8 months after suicidal ideation/an outpatient hospitalization/not being able to leave my bed. I’ve been tired due to work and on my phone a lot to decompress.

    Last week I got ghosted by someone I was really falling for. It ended up being a blessing in disguise. I took a lot of time to feel my anger/sadness, reach out to friends, attend therapy, etc. But I think that I’ve been sucked into a lot of unhealthy habits recently because they’ve been better where I was at say, 6 months ago, but I’m doing much better now and need to motivate myself towards more self care and self love.

    I wrote down a list of things I wanted to actively do more off (less phone time/social media, home cooking more meals, going for quick walks around neighborhood, making time to meditate). These will be small incremental goals that will gradually get me where I want to be down the line.

    Thank you boy who ghosted me. After rereading our texts I realize I was wearing rose-colored glasses and dodging red flags/a likely worse ending down the line.

    Also I’ve been basking in what I love about being single and “dating myself” again rather than trying to chase a relationshipn:)

  18. Walk, lots of walks. Scream along with my favorite metal. I like to take my shoes off and walk around barefoot in my yard. Dance like an idiot when I’m alone. This one is maybe dumb but I always feel like when I clean and clear out old papers and junk I don’t use anymore, it helps me reset my foggy brain a little. Anything to get your blood moving I think.

  19. Start giving. Volunteer, walk dogs, serve food at a shelter. It is the best way to make you feel connected and whole.

  20. “Sometimes the first step is just getting your feet on the ground.” That’s a quote I have on my mental health vision board. When I feel like that I dive right back into my DBT and journaling. It’s a sign I’ve lost myself and the best way to find her is by grounding myself and paying attention to what I need.

  21. Take a hike. Literally. I go for a hike at my local state park, bring a blunt or my bowl with me. A few hours there is better than therapy for me.

  22. Lately, I’ve been giving into the feeling and hoping it’ll pass. Sometimes once it gets better I’ll try something new, like going to a new place or watching a movie I haven’t seen

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