I (39F) Went on ONE date with this guy (39M). We’d been exchanging texts for days, throughout the day. The day after our first date, we were texting and he asked me for a second date and I said yes. Then he asked if we could “make things official” after the second date. Meaning we’d then be gf and bf.

I was taken aback by this because we had JUST gone on our first date the day before, and I am NOT ready to move that fast. He then calls me SOBBING and DRUNK. Spends 53 minutes telling me about all of his past relationship trauma and that I’m his “last hope for love”. How he has already pictured waking up to me for the REST OF HIS LIFE. How he was so suicidal after his last breakup that he needed to be hospitalized. TWICE.

He said that he doesn’t have the time to wait patiently for me to be ready for a relationship, because he’d given himself this ultimatum of “if I’m single at 40, that’s it. I give up on love forever”. We are both 39. I said, very gently, that I am not ready to jump into anything that fast and that I don’t want to waste his time. I told him that things were not going to work out between us.

He LOST his mind. I had to get him off the phone because I was going to bed, and quite frankly, I was VERY fucking overwhelmed. He spent the rest of the night texting me over 200 times. I blocked him and I feel horrible 🙁 Dating at 40 is rough, friends.

  1. Looks like any woman will do for him as he is THAT desperate!

    Wow! 200 texts??!! Please watch your back and hope he doesn’t know where you live or your socials.

  2. Desperate times creates desperate people. It’s an understatement to say this guy has issues, but putting a timeline/age to having a serious relation is nuts (pun intended). Lol

  3. Don’t walk way RUN! people like this are very nice, kind and damaged but to trauma dump like this is a bad sign. You may get lucky with him but your really rolling the dice.

  4. That’s psycho. At least you found this out quickly.

    I’d suggest filtering out people who don’t have a good relationship history. Also, find someone who has a job that doens’t let them stay up sending 200 texts. 🙂

  5. Nope, that one has some deep depression and needs help. I think he was reaching out to you the only way he knew he could.
    You must have a soothing personality and a calm voice.
    People tell the truth when they are drunk.
    So get him some help if you are willing.
    Other than that. I wouldn’t date him and limit contact in case he snaps.

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