Let me start off by saying I am trying my best to change my perspective but yeah. English isn’t my first language so sorry for any mistakes.

My 12th grade ended this year and I am in my first year of university in the same city I have always been which isn’t too much of a problem. The transition was alright academically and I am loving learning but socially was and is very bad. I find it extremely difficult to make friends as I am already pretty introverted and don’t go out of my way to make friends so that has been a big issue. I am not included in plans or anything with people I usually talk to so that feels like shit. I still feel like I am stuck in my old friend group as we had been friends for around 6/7 years and have done everything together for the same and suddenly a switch is difficult. My other friends who have gone to other universities out of town don’t seem to face this problem. Another big problem is my ex who left for university out of town. I thought we ended on good terms and she was the one who stated she would like to be friends but I guess we never talked and yeah thats that. I still feel for her and want to talk to her and want her to be a part of my life as she was my best friend before we began dating. An incident happened the other day where she was back in town called my entire friend group together to hang out and not one of them gave me a heads up? I saw an Instagram story which lowkey fucked my night up and I am in pain about the fact that nobody gave me a heads up. I haven’t been in contact with them for a while and nobody has noticed yet lmao. My old friends also seem worthless rn. After everything I’ve done I just feel betrayed. how do i move on in life??? I genuinely don’t know how to. Everyone knows everyone here so can’t even have a fresh start without traces of my old life coming back.

TLDR :I am incredibly alone sometimes and want to make new friends and essentially move on with life but don’t know how to. Leaving the city isn’t a solution and going to therapy is not possible. What do I do?

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