I texted my ex girlfriend back that we should talk like adults and if she is ready to talk to me she should let me know after she told me she doesnt see the need in talking. We are in the same study group in university and she is completely avoiding me. I wanted to be friends with her and told her we are not completely unmatchable, I wanted to find balance between each other and told her to give it 1-2 months and now she completely avoids me. She texted me this back:

“There is nothing left to talk. I can see through all of this. You need a woman who is stupid enough to entertain this and its not me. Be happy you have friends in this town who stand behind you! I will distance myself from this. In general there is too much gossiping in this environment and I rather be alone than be around controling gossipping people. Thanks for showing me who I can trust and who not. Have fun!”

Why she is reacting like this? Is there any chance I can still talk to her? She is currently completely distancing herself from me and my friends and only hangs out with her best friend at uni. Why she is always reacting so confrontational? She is an INFP.

  1. Your post reads as if I said:

    “This person, this friend, came to me and accused me of bad things, that I did this or that and showed what kind of (apparently) evil person and friend I am…..why did that person do that?”

    And, then I would come along and say to that post:

    Bro, something is missing in that story. You did not provide any context.

    For starters:

    You need to paint an accurate picture of what exactly happened (between the two of you as well as that social circle you and her are a part of) as well as the nature of your relationship and how you perceived it. You leave out the most important part. It is not possible to give any feedback without any context.

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