Why do yall piss all over the floor when there’s a toilet right there (in bars)

  1. Try turning on a hose full blast, while drunk and aiming it. Now when if you think that’s easy enough let’s try adding in split streams and varying pressures.

  2. Counterpoint Why do *you* piss in the toilet when there’s a floor right there?

  3. I know this may be hard to grasp but…and stay with me here…drunk people…ah…aren’t that coordinated.

  4. Best case scenario: First guy to miss is hammered already, leaves a little piddle puddle on the floor.

    Second guy comes in and, seeing the piddle puddle, has to step back and take aim from afar, and because of distance, his stream breaks and the piddle puddle slowly grows.

    Then the next guy comes in and has to step back even further, and on and on.

    Worst case scenario is that that first guy is just an inattentive dick and we’re all trying to adjust to the assholery he left behind.

  5. The word “yall” implies everyone.

    Have you collected sample data?

    How many people use the toilet?

    How many piss on the floor?

  6. Yo I’d like to know this too. I’ve been so drunk and still don’t piss on the floor.

  7. Um, I’ve never done that, but for the ones that have, maybe it’s because they’re too drunk to realize what they’re doing. (And how do you know what the men’s bathroom floor in a bar looks like anyway, Missy) lol

  8. So real talk.

    I am 6’5 and that’s a long way down if you’re drunk. And I refuse to sit on the toilet. So the only alternative is to do my best to get it all in the bowl. That’s what I can promise you, my best. Not perfection

  9. If the damn toilet would hold still I’d be way more successful. Also the sights on my rifle might have been jostled around a bit this morning lol

  10. If you think that’s bad you should see the art murals made of feces, piss, and tampons on the floor of women’s restrooms

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