My last post got locked. I won’t add any text this time. Just looking for reasons.

  1. Sometimes I can’t think of something to text back and then I forget

  2. It’s just the modern equivalent of not calling them back after a date or after getting their phone number. I really don’t see what the big deal is. Like, what else are you meant to do? “Break up” with everyone you go on a date with or text for a week?

  3. Couldnt get the girl to talk. Girl was a 9 so i know she was talking to like 20 guys so she wasnt going to notice anyway.

  4. Quite frankly, I just don’t see it going anywhere. Ive had it drilled into be all my life that people aren’t worth apologising to or for. I also cant be arsed with the inevitable drama it will cause when they ask why I don’t see a future with them.

  5. Because I no longer wish to interact with that person. “Closure” is made up, you don’t owe anyone your time or words.

  6. Ghosting people is narcissistic behavior, and generally never a good way to handle a situation. If you don’t want to associate with somebody, man up and just tell them so straight to their face.

  7. Sometimes during the conversation they’ll reveal themselves to be someone I rather not talk to. So then I have to be polite for the rest of the encounter because I don’t want them to know that this trait is undesirable, since I don’t want them to learn to hide it from future prospects.

    So I just stop talking to them for “no reason”, even if the time we spent together was fine.

  8. The only times I’ve done it is when someone begins to threaten me. At that point, no communication is necessary so I’m just out.

  9. Don’t know what I do is ghosting but i generally don’t prefer talking with people. I’m also an introvert so i don’t text people or initiate contact unless i have to. So my type of ghosting, even in people I’m interested in is, i don’t even message them on any social media that they think i am just a ghost

  10. Every time I talk to them they sneak in religion or politics.

    These type of people can genuinely fist fuck themselves.

  11. When they start making references to Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Dungeons and Dragons. Fuck, that annoys me.

  12. To get back at a woman who ghosted me 5 years ago.
    I made her buy a fucking ticket to Miami with the promise that I’ll be there to pick her up at MIA airport. She lives in Ohio.

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