Sex is giving me pretty much zero satisfaction. I’m very kinky person, I could even describe myself as an exhibitionist, but my girlfriend is full vanilla. We’ve talked many times and she promises that we will try something new but almost nothing happend for like 2 years. What is even worse, I can’t feel her effort on bed, she is silent in bed and rarely initiates sex, we also fuck in clothes because she is shy to show her tits (she is absolutely perfect for me and i compliment her everyday).
Can you guys give me some advice to make it more enjoyable for me?

  1. You need to be honest with yourself, if you are not sexual compatible that needs to be addressed. But forcing someone to do something they do not want or to be someone they are not is not healthy and will only lead to resentment and hurting. Have an open and honest conversation with her, tell her entirely how you feel and then listen entirely how she feels and go from there.

  2. It’s ok to acknowledge when someone’s incompatible with you. It’s ok to want something more satisfying from life

  3. Sounds like lack of sexual compatibilty…if shes not willing to put forth effort, you wont feel satisfied in this situation

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