I (F20) lost my virginity a few months ago. I’ve not been able to cum. My partner (M20) has been able to, and he tries to get me off but to no avail. He rubs my clit and that will feel good but then it will feel like nothing again. I don’t know what to do it feels like my body is broken. He eats me out too but again i don’t cum. When we have sex, it feels like I need to pee. Any suggestions? Thanks for reading!

  1. Your first step is to learn how you get yourself off. NO ONE “makes” someone else xum, they can help, or hinder. Each person is different, you may take more time than some others, or need it harder or softer

    My wife uses a small vibrator during piv and oral, it’s AWESOME! You may need some assistance like that, and that’s ok.

    It’s also ok to not know yourself, or your abilities at this point. So make sure to not stress yourself. This is fun stuff, but it takes some practice to get to know yourself, AND each time you have a new partner, it takes some time to know that person. So no stress, just enjoy

  2. Another thing to consider is to masturbate together or in front of him. That can allow you to get comfortable letting go and orgasming in his presence, and it can also provide him with a sense of how you please yourself.

  3. Part of the fear of intimacy is that it’s hard to let go of your inhibitions when you are with someone else. Letting things get really dirty can be intimidating because it feels like the other person might judge you.

    However, a supportive partner will never judge you for consensual experimentation. Your first true orgasm together will be heavenly and both you and him will benefit.

    Try not to put pressure on yourself. Let go of insecurities and let your pleasure take you where you need to go.

  4. How does his technique vary from yours? He is probably very new at this and doesn’t really know his way around a woman’s body. Give him explicit directions. Harder or softer…higher or lower. Also you are clearly nervous which makes your body tense. That will fix itself with time. Just relax and keep doing it.

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