
  1. Georgia has experienced a lot of population growth over the past 20 years. Much of this growth has been fueled by people coming in from other states, lots of them being moderate or left-leaning people from the north and midwest.

    Additionally, the black population of the state has been growing at a faster rate than the white population, and black Americans tend to vote Democrat in significant numbers.

    It’s worth noting that on a statewide-level, Georgia is not a particularly Trump-friendly state. Although we went red in 2016, generally since then Trump-backed candidates have not done as well as more establishment Republicans. A great example of this was in 2022, where non-Trump aligned Republicans overwhelmingly won their primaries against Trumpist opponents (other than Herschel Walker), and these candidates won their statewide general elections by roughly 7% margins, a decent amount.

  2. One of the biggest factors is Georgia’s rapidly growing black population.

    There’s a new phenomenon called “the reverse great migration”; essentially, African Americans are being driven *back to* The South *from* cities like New York City and Chicago. And Atlanta is one of the most sought destinations.

    However, I honestly do wonder if Georgia is turning into a swing state or if the recent Democrat victories were only possible due to anti-Trump backlash. The fact that the very pro-Trump Hershel Walker lost our Senate race, whereas the anti-Trump (but still Republican) Brian Kemp was able to retain his governorship, in the same year, suggests that Georgia’s shift may just be backlash against MAGA.

  3. Pretty sure Raffensperger has said on more than one occasion that Republicans down-ballot earned more votes than Trump, many Republicans chose not to vote in the Presidential race at all because they didn’t like either option, but they still voted for their Republicans in other races.

  4. By cheating? How did an old white supremacist who couldn’t draw a crowd at a campaign rally, who nobody seemed to support get the most votes of any President in history?

  5. Republicans weren’t able to cheat as well as they normally do. Also the state will be majority minority by next year. People of color tend to not vote for republicans because of all the racism.

  6. A decent number of people who voted Republican in their local/state races *didn’t* vote for Trump for President.

    The man has a gift. A genuine gift. To everyone *not* in his cult of personality, he is repellent enough to transcend a good amount of other political concerns.

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