I’ve seen some women saying that men don’t even do the bare minimum, but what are those?

  1. Not asking for consent is a huge one

    Not washing their dicks, ass or body in general

    Not caring if she gets off or even enjoys sex

    Lacking basic tact and manners

  2. All of it is actually just presence and building affection. In the modern world, you’re unlikely to get someone where eros won’t build.

    Some portion of the problem is that humans do actually have instincts still that want the man to be dominant.

  3. Like 90% of the time they’re complaining about a guy they were already interested in and agreed to go on at least one date with. They aren’t complaining there’s some invisible unwashed mass of men who don’t shower. They’re complaining a dude they thought was cute who could hold down a conversation with them to their liking may not shower every day.

    Bare minimums in dating is a lot like bullet holes on a WWII aircraft. The ones you see get the complaints are the ones making it out and coming back. The guys who get shot down right away aren’t the subject of these complaints.

  4. Everyone’s bare minimum is different, and I guarantee many women saying such a silly statement have unrealistic expectations.

  5. Women don’t want the bare minimum but they call it that so they don’t look bad, just ask one what’s the bare minimum and you’ll be shocked

  6. When women say ‘bare minimum’.. they mean the bare minimum for the small number of guys, who fits their physical criteria of attractiveness.

  7. Being interestING and being interestED, caring for and improving the well-being of your partner

  8. Expectations can be unrealistic to those who have not experienced it already.. keep that in mind

  9. Effort. I remember when women cared enough to make one. I know that some men still do.

  10. You’re asking women a question in the mans question area.

    I would say if a woman complains about her date “not even the bare minimum” then she probably means “this guy isn’t even rich”

  11. Bare minimum in my opinion would be maintaining good hygiene (shower, don’t smell, look like you take care of yourself, etc.).

    Maintain a relatively clean living space.

    The ability to compromise, self-reflect, be somewhat emotionally intelligent, be empathetic.

    Respect their boundaries -even if they play that stupid “hard to get” game. If they say “No”, process your rejection and sadness in a healthy way and move on.

    Hopefully you can make a meal that’s more than boiling water or cereal. You don’t have to be Gordon Ramsey, but basic cooking is a must.

    Have some ability to hold a conversation because the point of a date is to get to know the other person.

    Have hobbies that aren’t life changing obsessions.

    It seems like a lot, but I don’t think it really is.

  12. 1. Consent

    2. Watched DUNE Part One (muted) & Listened to Astrix Boom festival 2022 set synchronised

    3. Idk, like me, I guess… 🐙🤷‍♂️

    Edited for clarity because I’m a nerdy moron ofc 😅

  13. Being a good person, not a Nice Guy.

    Basic hygiene and not smelling like shit.

    Communicating maturely and not throwing hissy, violent fits when upset.

    Being courteous to wait staff.

    Responding to messages or missed phone calls within a reasonable amount of time.

    Taking “no” for an answer.

  14. I’ve heard that some don’t bother to perform good hygiene. If it is right after work or a workout then it is a timing issue. She might like that smell if she’s on/near her period otherwise that smell will probably repulse her.

  15. Don’t date women who says that kinda shit >!(or bragging about “useless men” or smth like that at all)!< or the ones who you need to pretend being better than you usually are to be with.

    Even if date goes well the only thing you’ll “win” is a new person in you life to fuck your brain or blame you for her unhappiness/boredom.

    Being together must be better for *both* than being alone. If you’re unhappy there’s no sense in continuation. If she complains from the start… don’t start.

  16. I’m talking to this girl atm who’s into me and I’m really into her but holy fuck is she bad at fucking replying to messages. I’ll hit her up like “hey wanna do this on Tuesday?” And she’ll finally reply on Wednesday like “oh sorry, I forgot to check my messages. I’d love too! Is Thursday good?”

    Every other indicator points towards her being genuinely interested in seeing me, but she just can’t seem to manage to reply to messages. It’s really irks me too because I can’t help but think she’s found someone she likes better and has ghosted me, which isn’t really likely because that’s not the way she is, but it’s happened to me before in a way that really hurt so I’m super paranoid about it

  17. Manners, mostly.

    Being friendly and polite, actually listening, asking questions, giving proper answers and being interested in what the person they’re dating has to say. Respectful and pleasant behaviour.

    The amount of people (men and women) who treat their dates like they’re not even there is shockingly high. Constantly on the phone, “what were you saying” with a confused look, asking a question but not listening to the answer. Treating a date like a job interview they have to get out of the way, expecting the other party to “wow” them…

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