2 years ago I started college which is for 2 years where I live. I ended up isolating myself preventing myself from making new friends because I was so anxious and I also ghosted my high school friends because they made new friends. For a few months I was fine then the seasonal depression kicked in last winter, and I was forced to contact my old ones. It all went positive and I started ghosting them again because, I feel like it’s reassuring to me to have them on standby. Now I’m scared they won’t reply if I contact them again.

Now I’m due to start university some point this or next year and very likely all alone. How do you come out of a period of isolation ?

1 comment
  1. I feel ya, it’s so hard getting back into the swing of things socially and getting comfortable with being around and contacting people again. My advice is go slow. What helped me was being brave and taking small steps. Introducing myself to one person one day, then two the next etc. Anxiety tends to build up when we aren’t exposed to something as much anymore, so be paitent and kind with yourself. If you feel your heart race in a social situation, take a breath. The right people will give you the space to regulate your anxiety.

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