If you are unaware, just search Canada and india Crisis on youtube

  1. I don’t support Canada’s claims against India nor am I opposed to Canada’s claim’s against India.

  2. Yes.

    Extrajudicial killings have in recent years increasingly become normalized by authoritarian governments (cf. KSA, RF), and Modi has become increasingly authoritarian. Thin-skinned strongmen and their enablers have been murdering dissidents abroad for as long as there have been dissidents and strongmen. Of course, that RAW or another element of the Indian security apparatus might send a kill team to the territory of another sovereign nation requires neither the imprimatur nor even the knowledge of the Indian Prime Minister. Better, in fact, that Modi not be in the loop.

    It’s important to remember that Canada is one of the Five Eyes intelligence sharing nations; I find it exceedingly unlikely that the information Canada used in making this accusation wasn’t sourced – or at least extensively vetted – by its allies. Irrespective of the increasing abrogation of basic principles of international relations, a nation like Canada isn’t going to make these sorts of accusations absent extensive and well-documented evidence.

  3. Yes, murder bad, foreign governments murdering your citizens on your own soil even worse.

    And while I’m not going to condone terrorism, I frankly don’t really give a fuck about India’s “territorial integrity”. I am generally pro-independence for anyone who claims it – if Punjab/Khalistan wants to be separate from India, they should be separate from India. Now, there doesn’t seem to be much evidence that more than a vocal minority of Sikhs do indeed want that, but the line that India and Indians keep trotting out to defend their actions, “muh territorial integrity”, simply does not elicit any sympathy from me whatsoever – I fail to see why it amounts to anything more than subordinating individual ptoperty rights and self-determination to the fragile egos of tribalistic control freaks.

  4. No reason not to believe Canada. I think it is a bit of wait and see for the details to come out but yeah I support Canada.

  5. Yes, absolutely. It’s been made clear that the intel Canada received was from one of the five eyes, which leads me to believe it’s credible. I’ve also never really trusted Modi’s government or India’s willingness to constantly play both sides of everything. I understand India’s issue here, but taking out a hit on a Canadian citizen, on Canadian soil, violating Canadian sovereignty, is a bad look for India. As for India being upset at Canada for reacting rather harshly- what the hell did they think was going to happen? FAFO pretty much.

  6. I don’t have a clear idea what the evidence is either way. So I’m not going to shoot from the hip.

  7. Under Trudeau, Canada has seemingly become more interested in official truth than actual truth, so I really need more evidence before I blindly trust without evidence. As far as the intel coming from “5 eyes” Canada is part of 5 eyes so any intelligence they claim to have is five eyes intelligence, it implies but does not actually state that the intelligence came from anywhere outside of Canada.

  8. Of course ! I am just wondering why Canada didn’t arrest the Hindu murderers before they left Canada ?

  9. I don’t think they’d make such a bold claim unless they were absolutely certain of it.

  10. Yes of course.

    Canada and the US have close intelligence sharing, and if the Canadian Government claims to have intelligence that the US corroborates, then I would believe Canada.

    The US and Canada are close allies and the US should always support Canada.

  11. I dont have a dog in this fight. Take care of your own issues. If your country lacks the political capital to do so, then that’s too bad.

    The tune Canadians are singing was absolutely hostile to America, but now you are casting about trying to get the USA you despise to use its weight on your behalf.

  12. 100% I support Canada on this claim; their incentive to fabricate this is incredibly low vs Indias incentive to do this and try and cover it up with fake indignation.

    The likelihood is high that Canada sourced the intelligence from partners in the five eyes (although folks tend to underestimate Canada’s sophistication in the signals intelligence space on foreign soil.)

    Modi’s done nothing to bolster his credibility in denying this and whilst I am not enamored with Trudeau as a leader, he’s more credible than Modi every single day of the week.

  13. It’s Modi that Canada is rightfully upset about, not India as a whole. And Modi is an out-of-control tyrant who has done such damage to India. So yeah, I support Canada.

  14. I believe Canada. I haven’t seen anything coming out of India that gives me reason to believe they didn’t perpetrate this attack, and I do not believe in attacking foreign nationals in their own country, unless invited by that country or we are at war with that country. (Yes, that includes condemning actions of my own country.) India has been drifting far right, authoritarian, and has been perpetration violence on minority groups in their country.

    That being said, I don’t think we should do anything to help Canada with this issue, other than providing intelligence. Canada has been making a big show of shitting on us, building an identity centered around Not-America, and blaming us for all their own home-grown ills. When things go wrong in Canada, it’s somehow always our fault, and when things go right, it’s a chance to gloat about it and denigrate us to the rest of the world. Canada is our closest ally, but it sure doesn’t feel too friendly with them anymore.

  15. I feel like there isn’t enough evidence to be absolutely sure that India orchestrated the murder

  16. Yes, Canada should conquer India. That way when we inevitably conquer Canada we get India as well.

  17. I believe Canada over India, but I don’t think there is a ton of evidence either way.
    And I don’t think this should effect our relationship with India.

  18. Sure, the Canadian claim seems entirely believable and there’s not much reason for them to have made it up.

  19. I don’t know. On the one hand, assassinating a Canadian citizen on their soil is reason to be upset. Plus, this separatist movement hasn’t been relevant since the 70s. But, if India harbored Quebec separatist terrorists, their descendants and the Prime Minister openly supported them, would the Canadians lie down and take it?

    I think it’s just a cheap political stunt by Trudeau and it has backfired. Canada has no cards to play, they need the Indian immigrants and they don’t have any strategic exports to India. Also, India is a very important partner to the US in the region. Biden might condemn it for show but Canada brought this on themselves.

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