I have been & still am recovering from an injury. Also, I currently walk funny as I’m relearning how to walk. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I haven’t been able to physically go out to an actual social event since late Jan. So about 8 months! There is something local I could go to tomorrow night. And the event appeals! But it’s a new group, new event, quite new venue – not just to me but in general. And my mind flashes back to when I tried to organise a meal for a group I put together (through an app we met, then I made a WhatsApp group & so I planned this.) 13 people said they’d come along. Nobody did. And the staff at the restaurant where I’d booked a table felt sorry for me. It was not THAT long after Covid so that COULD be a factor.

And, no I’m not PLANNING an event this time & it’s a different group but it’s more, what if I go & nobody except the host & people working in the café turn up?

Because this is my first social event in 8 months I want it to go well. I don’t want it to be awkward and stilted.

But maybe I need to have the goal of just GOING just TRYING? And if I’m miss no mates for my first event in 8 months at least I’ve STARTED to get out socially again? What do you think?

I DO have about 2 friends who offered to come meet me but I’m far from them & I’d rather wait till I’m further along in my recovery & I can meet with them somewhere more central.

And this is local, I can physically get to it.

I don’t want my first event in 8 months to suck and if it’s empty, I don’t want to feel all rejected. Or if nobody likes me much.


1 comment
  1. Give it a go! What’s the worst that can happen? You meet a couple of people (the organizers) have a conversation and go home? If your pals are willing to play wingmen, even better. At least you got out there. Sometimes the hardest step is the first. The next will be less stressful and the one after that even easier.

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