Men, imagine that for 24 hours there were no women in the world and everything works as usual. What would change for you and what would you do that day?

  1. Nothing would change other then I wouldn’t talk to any women that day. I’d probably just go about my normal day.

  2. I would probably go outside just to see the shenanigans people would come up with because i’m sure it would be chaos

  3. Nothing would change for me. I’m live with a man & I work on construction sites so it’s normally an all-male life for me

    I think my fiancé would be the most feminine thing in the world for that 24 hours though!

    He’d love it and he would steal all their clothes while they’re gone.

  4. A: i know what’s going on, nothing is changed

    B: i don’t know what’s going on- i freak out where my mom, wife and daughter are.

  5. It depends on the day of the week as far as work goes, but in my personal life I’m a single dad with 100% custody of two teenage boys. Not much change there.

  6. Do I know that they come back? If yes, wait the day, problem solves itself. If not, I guess trying to research how/why they disappear.

  7. I don’t see how everything could work as usual when half the population disappears.

    What happens to businesses which have female staffers? They’re just empty for the day, and yet everything still works normally anyway?

  8. Well, my wife would be gone, so I’d probably be lonely and a bit anxious about wtf happened to her.

  9. Dude, it would be a huge fucking disaster. I work in a hospital and it’s like 70-30 women to men. Just the hit to nursing alone would be insane. Many people would die

  10. If women disappeared for 24 then half the people here wouldn’t notice. Now if all porn disappeared for 24 hours then half the people here would be online looking for answers before they took their morning piss.

  11. I only have two friends I stay in any semblance of regular contact with, and one of them is a woman. I would be very lonely and worried for her well-being, and would probably spend the entire day in a panic without knowing what to do or accomplishing anything of value.

  12. I’d be stuck at work because half of the workforce isn’t there to take over the shift.

  13. Half of the population is just gone? Country wide state of emergency, mobilizing all law and military personnel to search. I can’t imagine things running normally with that many people missing.

  14. I might be puzzled where my neighbour went to then see this on the news about the absence of women.

  15. If I need to go into the office I might notice

    But I wfh mostly and my team is all male, if nobody told me I might not notice if its just 24 hours.

  16. That would be a sucky day at work. Two thirds of my coworkers would be missing at the facility.

  17. For me personally nothing would change. Just business as usual.
    For the world? Lots of social and nursing, pr, hr, office jobs and primary schools would be short staffed for a day. That wouldn’t be the end of the world though. Especially not when it’s just 24 hours.

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