So I’ve(26W) been talking to this guy(28m) for about 3 months. Mind you, I’ve known him for about 5 years prior. Things are going good, but today we had plans to hangout go eat and just have a date night. I have a daughter. She is 2. We made plans about 7pm to meet up around 9pm so I dropped my daughter off with my grandma to send the night. 9 comes around, and he finally calls me to say he’s tired and he hasn’t showered but he will shower. He lives literally 40minutes away from me. I didn’t volunteer to drive to him because he said he would drive here. Then on the phone he starts nagging and complaining how he doesn’t want to drive. (Y this is all after I dropped off my daughter already.) I instantly got mad and told him okay so don’t come then. What’s the point if you’re complaint, instantly made me not even want to see him which I told him. I was furious. It made me feel like a bad mom too, I dropped off my daughter to hangout with this guy who I’m getting to know in hopes he will become my boyfriend. And I just feel irritated. He doesn’t get it, I didn’t get to express that it was messed up that I’d he didn’t want to hangout with me he should’ve said that before I went to drop her off. He’s not a parent so I can’t make him understand. I told I’d talk to him later and since then we just haven’t talked. I don’t know if I’m being bratty, but I feel like he gives me the most minimal effort. We see eachother like 1 time a week. How are we suppose to be dating when he barely has time to date me now? I should leave him alone huh

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