I just need some opinions on this?

So me and my ex recently got back in contact. She came out of the blue messaging me saying how much she’s missed me, even called me trying to sweet talk me. She’s been known for ghosting, being inconsistent, lying, and cheating back then when we were “together”. She would come in and out of my life asking for help with money, food etc and at the time I did help her because I still cared but after that she’d ghost me until she needed something else again (I’d been block her from my number and she’d make accounts to try and reach me). Anyway, we recently got back in contact and we were arguing and I’m pretty sure her true colors came out. Keep in mind I haven’t seen her in months, we never even talked on the phone up until that one point where she was sweet talking me (for more money or food most likely). I was just telling her how much I didn’t want to be with her and how much I was tired of her coming in and out of my life like I was some sort of game and that I knew she was back with her ex boyfriend even when she was calling me and messaging me for stuff and she told me, from her exact words, “He can do what he wants. Just as I do. If I want to make love to him I will. If I want to be with him I will. You can’t control everything baby” like I found this so disrespectful because she literally cheated on me with him and when I would sleep over they’d f*ck next to me. Her excuse was that “I should’ve never stayed over” like wow. I helped her in literally everything and got disrespected so fast. Then let’s fast forward, she switched up after I said I was done and that I was gonna do my part and apologize (because I said some hurtful things back too at some point during the argument) and she said how much she loved me and that even though she doesn’t message me all the time or call or whatever that it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love me it just means she “has a lot of things going on” like wtf. Like why play with my emotions like that? Being hot and cold. I’d see her post on social media, even make tik toks so why lie? It’s so immature and annoying to me. We haven’t talked for a few of weeks after all that. I assumed that things were okay and moved on after we both apologized etc but she hasn’t messaged me at all unless I do or whatever and I’m just fed up with the games. She’d tell me how much she needed a friend and someone there for her but doesn’t make the effort to have a conversation with me. I need opinions. Should I just change my number?

  1. Just block her number and all of her socials, you don’t need this bim*o in your life anymore, clearly she’s a mentally unstable person

  2. Honestly, I didn’t read past the first few sentences describing your past relationship and said, “Oh, fuck. Nope.” Definitely, block her toxic booty. She must have gone through something recently and needed a familiar crutch. Don’t let it be you.

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