I know there’s a line somewhere between “being a regular” and “seeming weird.” But I’m not sure where it is and I’m too scared to ask.

  1. No such line exists. Eat there as often as you want to. If the staff start to recognise you, you might get free stuff ..

  2. I was getting takeout from the same restaurant for like 2 years every day and if I ever skipped a day the next time I was picking up they’d tell me they worried something happened to me 😂 good times

  3. If I had to guess, I would say:

    Coming for lunch every weekday might seem normal.

    For the evenings and weekends, once a week maybe?

    But I would be pretty sure that twice **the same day** is too much!

    How often do you currently go to that place?

  4. i like seeing the same people come in to the cafe where i work. as long as you’re good to the staff there’s no such thing as too much!!!!

  5. It’s understandable because some places just have better food at a better price than others!

  6. Honestly I don’t think it matters as much as you think. Even if they did think it was a little weird it really doesn’t matter. They are not going to put that much thought into it. They probably don’t care at all. If anything the owner will probably like the fact you enjoy it enough to keep going.

  7. I used to work at a restaurant and we had a LOT of regulars. This is more normal than you think, so don’t worry.

  8. Having nice regulars around often feels like you have a little nugget of hope during an otherwise stupid shift.

    Go there as much as you want.

  9. I’ve been a regular at a few restaurants, my mom and I used to go to a sushi joint about 4x a week. They just became friendlier as time went on, and most definitely didn’t think it was weird!

    The servers would even ask us what we were up to if they hadn’t seen us come in for a while.

    If you like the food and live close by, enjoy it!

  10. We used to serve this old couple at least twice a week, sometimes we saw them twice in one day.

  11. There is none. We love our regulars! You become one of us after a while. We love you! Keep coming back. Stay as long as you like!

  12. As long as your a good guest and tip well nobody is going to have a problem.

    If you tip like shit and pour a salt ring around your chair, they’ll think you’re weird.

  13. I’ve been in the restaurant industry for 15 years. I love it when nice people come in, no matter how many times a week and sometimes per day. If you come in everyday and you’re not pleasant to see or an asshole then yeah it’s gonna be shitty for the staff. Basically, I don’t think anyone cares if you go everyday just be a decent person to be around everyday.

  14. I waited tables/bartended on and off for 10 years through my 20’s. Trust me when I tell you, regulars are what make the day better. I looked forward to repeat customers and went out of my way to make sure they were extra happy. If you’re going to come by that often, you are helping keep the lights on. Don’t overthink it, eat there whenever you want.

  15. It’s Weird if you make weird. If you go there everyday and you’re polite and friendly you’ll probably get some remarks like “you sure come here often” but they shouldn’t be taken as a negative unless you’re overstepping boundaries. If they do say something like that just say you like the food or the ambiance or it’s close to you in some way

  16. It’s not weird at all. It might be good actually. By becoming a regular customer, I assume they prepared their dishes with more care.

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