How often do you dye your hair to cover gray? Ive heard some guys use a daily touch up instead of once every 3-4 weeks? Is there a way to touch up once a week instead of a whole dye every few weeks?

Also looking for tips on hair dye that is safer against loosing hair, been going balder at the temples by the month.

I’ve been dying my hair for years, been going gray since 25. Recently I’ve been losing my hair at the temples and the gray is coming in faster and faster. Looking to start caring more about my appearance and keeping up with it until I go all gray.

  1. I’m not philosophically opposed to men dyeing their hair, it’s just that

    1. It seems like a serious amount of ongoing work. Maybe not, though?
    2. It often looks fake in an off putting, mannequin-like way, which some men may not want. However, if that’s your thing, I say lean into it!​

    I have sometimes dyed part of my *beard* (using cheap women’s hair dye) and that’s fine, but hair, especially all over, is a much bigger job and at an awkward location on my person.

    > going balder at the temples by the month.

    I’ve never heard of that. That’s not part of the male pattern of male pattern baldness, as far as I understand.

  2. I tried coloring once. ONCE. Beard and grey at the temples. It started to fade within a week as the color just did not stick. It was just not worth my effort in the long run. Plus, it just looked artificial.

  3. People can almost always tell when you dye it, especially if it’s darker.


    Just go grey.

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