My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half and the biggest thing we have in common is how much we love sports. We literally spend our sundays pigging out, watching Redzone, and playing fantasy football. We both just love watching sports together. Well, my boyfriend’s college (he graduated almost 6 years ago) is coming to town this saturday for a football game against the local team. He bought two tickets to the game, but didn’t tell me. He also knows I work for half of the afternoon. I asked him who he was planning on taking, and he wont give me any concrete answers. No definitive person that he’s going with. So I told him to transfer a ticket to me, and I would just meet him after I got off work. He said “I’m not sitting alone for 2 quarters”. I was like okay…then I’ll buy my own ticket and meet you there. He thought that idea was dumb. My work is literally 5 minutes from the stadium and ticket prices are pretty cheap, so I’m not going out of my way nor is it a spending issue. I guess I just feel some type of way for him not telling me he was going to the game, not extending an invite to me, and then shutting down my own initiative to come. I don’t get it. Why wouldnt he want me there? We go watch local high school football games, but this is not okay? Am I letting my anxiety get the best of me?

Also; I’m going to the game still. Regardless of what he wants/doesnt want. He doesnt have to hang out with me, but a few beers and football on a saturday night after work sounds like a great way to unwind.

TLDR; boyfriend is going to a college football game this weekend and never invited me. When I invite myself he turns it down. He also wont tell me definitively who he is going with.

  1. The fact that he’s not telling you who he’s going with is the biggest red flag here. What does he do when you ask him directly who the second ticket is for?

  2. I guess I find it odd that he bought 2 tickets, knowing I work for the first 1.5 quarters and wasn’t planning on extending the 2nd one to me, and also he bought a 2nd ticket without someone for sure going with him? He bought them a week in advance. And trust me, these tickets arent selling out anytime soon. Lol the teams arent very good

  3. So let me get this straight. He spends a huge amount of time with you and the moment he wants some time to himself your on his case interrogating him? Let the man enjoy his game with whomever he chooses. Your not his wife, he has no obligation to tell you who he is taking. Trust him or move on.

  4. I was in a similar boat from time to time, currently found out some news that I hope you don’t have to experience.. as a guy I always want time with my partner, it’s not always reciprocated and it does hurt.. but some guys do need that space or something.. maybe he wants a friend to say they are free, maybe he thought someone was free, maybe he has something on his mind he wants to express at the game to a friend that he wants to tell another person, not about you or anything but maybe where he’s been at with current life, best of luck to you, have fun at the game enjoy the evening try to stay positive

  5. Sounds like he wants to meet up with his college and frat bro’s and pretend he is single like the good old days. Wonder if any of those frat bro’s are bringing some sorority girls…

  6. What? I wouldnt buy tickets to a game for someone who was gonna come halfway through. Half the fun is tailgating and hanging out before hand. This is normal behaviour from him.

    He probably is just trying to find someone to hang out and drink with him before hand but it’s no rush. Seems like he’s just trying to have a good day.

  7. I think it just sounds like he wants to have a fun “college night” again, that’s all

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