Why did you leave your last partner?

  1. She quit her job without telling me, pretended she was still working, and then decided heroin would be fun to try. It was a disaster and I’m lucky I got away from her when I did.

  2. The last partner I left was due to abusement from her side. Half year later I noticed some blocked contacts on my FB page and phone. I tracked back, realised what that STD meant, and why she was afraid when she told me “her Icloud was hacked”.

    Abusement and gaslighting makes you blind.

  3. Uncontrolled alcoholism. She’s supposedly trying to get sober now, but I think there’s just too much baggage now.

  4. Took my ex out for a bday meal, which I spent £150 for the both of us + another £100 for gifts. Saw Tinder on his phone and I asked about it, he said he just forgot to delete it and I was skeptical but decided to trust him cause what relationship can continue without trust. Told my best mate. Not even a week later, best mate sent me screenshots, that his mate sent him, of my now ex on Grindr looking to meet. Was fuming ngl.

  5. She had unrealistic expectations, didn’t have much emotional empathy, and had expensive tastes that she expected me to pay 100% for (which probably came from her thinking that me, being significantly older, must be loaded with money, which I am not).

  6. She suggested I get therapy for undiagnosed mental health issues because I refused to see the big deal about liking and commenting on all of her Instagram thirst traps. She was 29 at the time, it was embarrassing to even be having the conversation.

  7. She was a good person but mentally unstable. I know its a harsh thing to say but i wanted my future children to have a good stable loving mother and she wasnt it.

  8. Lack of empathy and kindness. Drop dead gorgeous, really charismatic, and great in bed. That gets you far, yet only so far.

  9. I’ve only left one ex and that was when she got lazy. Quit her job and wanted me to work 2x as much to pay for everything. Also she gained weight to the point that I couldn’t have carried her out of the house if it was on fire.

  10. Very selfish person, wasn’t interested in meeting my friends, wasn’t interested in having a family meal at my parent’s once a week, but when it came to her family & friends we had to be there no matter what.

    Also caught her using drugs & I told her if things didn’t change I was gone, a month later I was gone & the best decision I made.

  11. Too far away, had a kid, her religion was her identity, she didn’t know what a bj was.

    I’m a sexual deviant. Let’s just say we were not a good fit

  12. My sanity was being tested time and again. I found that I was looking forward to spending time away from her as opposed to with her

  13. She was waaayyyyy too into me. It was like she was my slave. She had zero original thoughts just “what can I do for him”. I don’t need a servant.

  14. Refused therapy. She called, and they gave her a list of reasons she might need therapy. She checked off the entire list. So she went. Then she said she stopped, and I asked why. She said, “Because my therapist wants me to break up with you,” and I said, “Go back to therapy, any therapist, we can break up if that’s what it takes.” She didn’t go back, so we broke up.

  15. Her abandonment trauma caused her to sabotage our relationship. Constantly crossing my personal boundaries even though I’d made it abundantly clear I would not tolerate that. Specifically, she constantly thought there were perilous issues between us and she thought it best to hash those things out right as I was about to fall asleep in bed every other night. I tried to set specific times to have these conversations but she persisted with the pillow talk so I left. Turned everything around on me and called me emotionally abusive because I stood up for myself and my boundaries. I never once called her names, belittled her, or yelled at/struck her. Took me a while to figure out her continually crossing my boundaries is a form of abuse in itself. As is gaslighting. I’m still very hurt by her behavior months later. Being labeled abusive and her trying to convince my family of that lie caused me to have a nervous breakdown.

  16. Mentally unstable. Inconsistent behavior. Doesn’t prioritizes money.

    Also, extremely neurotic. Used to check my WhatsApp messages and Instagram just because she suspected that I might be cheating or doing dr*gs.

    On a work day, she took my phone and refused to give back. I was getting late, so I grabbed the phone from her hands and rushed to office. That was the end of our relationship.

  17. I was immature and not ready to settle down. She was absolutely great though and I’m really happy with who she ended up with and has a great family. Actually now that I’ve had a chance to reflect, most of my exes have been really great. I’ve been really lucky. I hope they’re all doing great 😃. Thanks for the question and making me think about it.

  18. She preferred someone else’s company to mine. I didn’t have much of a say in the situation.

  19. – Anger issues
    – Hoarding problem
    – Chronic unemployment/underemployment
    – Financial irresponsibility

  20. It felt like nothing I did could please her or make her feel happy. Plus there had to be a constant stream of communication (text, calls, facetime) and my job is demanding of most all my brain power.

    Also, she just laid there like a dead fish during sex…

  21. She told me that she thought our relationship was effectively dead for the last month but still didn’t want to talk about it

  22. He beat me up. Broke my fingers, my nose, & fractured my eye socket. I didn’t go home from the hospital, just left my stuff at our house. Game over, relationship over. Too late, but better than never .

  23. Started off great but I’d discovered that the life and soul of the party was just a bad drunk, and a very insecure and possessive one. We’d have arguments over the fact things like me talking to female work colleagues, and then go days without speaking to each other. Got tired of having to apologise when Id done nothing wrong

  24. Treated me like shit flirted with other guys, did shit i wasn’t comfortable with, and decided the grass was greener with a drug addict and slept with him. after finding out and her trying to push the blame of her infidelity on me, i packed her shit up and kicked her out of my apartment.

  25. She left me after my job taking too many hours. I work out of state.

    In reality, she met someone else a year prior to divorce while she was out of state on vacation. Once i was out, the new guy moved in…two days later.

  26. Long distance, no job/ambition, didn’t treat me any different from her friends which made it really difficult for there to be any intimacy. I found myself falling into old patterns I didn’t like so it was pretty obvious that it was time to leave.

  27. They cheated on me with a coworker who was “weird” and “nothing to worry about”. Absolute BS. Protect your hearts my fellow Redditers.

    If it walks like a red flag, and talks like a red flag, then it’d probably a red f*cking flag.

  28. Her jealousy issues became too difficult to deal with. A previous ex was unfaithful to her so that translated to me not being trusted. I couldn’t take the “who’s that” every time my phone would go off, then going through my computer trying to find something, questioning every woman on my fb about who they are to me…. blah blah gtfo of my house.

  29. Knew she wasn’t the one i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Sucked and i still love her to death but had to be done.

  30. Her inability to stop wasting money on pointless shit. We were supposed to be saving for a mortgage but she wasn’t contributing because she was so bad with her money

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