What are your thoughts on people who conceal carry (or open carry, if allowed) a handgun with them almost everywhere they go?

  1. I have no issue with it, especially when it’s concealed. The only reason that I support open carry overall is so people who conceal carry won’t get charged if their clothing slips and temporarily reveals part of their pistol. At least some people think twice shooting up an area where they don’t know who’s armed and who isn’t.

  2. Concealed carry I’m all for, as long as your doing it right. Nobody should notice it.

  3. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

  4. Of course I’m cool with it, it’s me.

    Edit: concealed. Only time I open carry is when out camping or at a run and gun range.

  5. I have a conceal and carry permit in Florida and got it when I was flipping storage units. I quickly learned that it wasn’t for me and don’t like the weight (not physical) of carrying a gun. I’ve never really been scared of my surroundings though

  6. I have no issues. If they are concealed carrying I am never going to know anyway.

    I have a couple friends that do. They don’t really talk about it.

  7. Most who do CCW I would never notice, unless they sit the right way or if anything happens where they draw their weapon.

    Open carry, personally, I’m not used to seeing, so I find myself glancing at it nervously.

  8. Conceal carry, whatever. The whole idea is you don’t see it. I do question folks’ mental state who carry 100% of the time but live absolutely vanilla lives in very vanilla safe environments.

    Open carry, they’re making a statement. Walking around Walmart with a visible gun on your hip screams man-child.

  9. When I was a kid, my Mom would often be concealed carrying. She was in real estate when cell phones were rare and calling 911 wasn’t necessarily as easy as it is now. There were a handful of open houses where the real estate agents were targeted and shot because the perpetrator knew the agent would be alone; at the time my parents had just gotten divorced and my Mom had a case of “fuck that I’m not risking not going home to my kids” and got her CCP.

    Long story short, if someone’s carrying concealed 1) I’m not going to know and 2) I can totally understand why they’d want to. Not everyone who’s going to be carrying is necessarily the whackadoodle media often portrays them to be.

  10. If you feel safer carrying a gun go for it. In New England I have never seen anyone open carry. I know a few people who ha e concealed carry permits, and some people have car stickers with the state shape with a gun cutout. I’m sure 99.9999% of these people will never use their gun defensively.

    The criminals don’t get permits

  11. None, you’re surrounded by guns everywhere you go without issue. I feel safer when my significant other carries especially in places like malls or movie theaters. We don’t have open carry where I live

  12. I want to be them. Im a young women who lives alone in a bad neighborhood. I hear gun shots most nights and i can promise you, not a single one is coming from a legal gun. I really need to get a concealed carry but unfortunately the whole process is too expensive for me to afford at the moment.

  13. It’s their right under their state’s laws. I have no more to say about it than I do about someone exercising their First Amendment rights to peacefully protest.

    I CC sometimes, depending on where I’m going and what I’m doing.

  14. 100 Percent support it! Especially right now with my own people. (Yes I’m a Jew)

  15. Good question.

    I am one of these people who conceal carry everywhere I go, so I have a pretty positive view of it.

    As for why people open carry, open carry tends to be more comfortable and if I’m not in typical public spaces, I will open carry instead. For example: I would go out into backcountry national forest, truck camp, shoot some steel with rifles and stargaze.

    I didn’t conceal carry. I open carried.

    However, Friday, I had a bunch of errands to get done including going to my bank, going to Walgreens to pick up meds, getting gas, going to a hardware store, and other typical boring errands.

    Concealed carry through all of that.

    So, context matters and if someone is open carrying and over 60, give them the benefit of the doubt. Aging makes the whole process way more difficult. Arthritis is a bitch.

  16. Is that guy wearing a G-string? Does that lady have a penis? Does that kid have a prosthetic leg? Is that 3 little people in a trench coat? I don’t know, I don’t need to know, and I don’t care to know, it’s none of my business. Now if I can see it or any of those other things, it’s going to draw my attention, but I’m still not going to care.

  17. My husband does and I love him. 🤷‍♀️. There are so many shootings at grocery stores and theaters that he wants a way to protect me and him if something happens, we also live in a bad neighborhood and if we want to walk to the dollar store or something he, again, needs protection. One day when he was walking to meet me on my way home from work someone was shot at the bus stop next to him. Not being prepared seems silly.

  18. Agree with the others here saying Open Carry isn’t great.
    But I do support concealed carry. People concealed carry for different reasons, but I think the most justified is of more vulenerable people who are concerned about personal safety. Women, the elderly, people that are being threatened with physical violence such as by a psychotic abusive ex, people in dangerous places, people who are alone and don’t have someone watching their back, and also people who have someone that they want to protect, such as their kids.

  19. I’ve been in the gun world for a long time, so I’ve met all kinds.

    Many have delusions of grandeur. Many are simply concerned about safety. I work EMS in one of the most dangerous cities in the nation, so over the years, I’ve seen legal concealed carriers save several lives. I’ve never worked a single shooting involving a legal carrier doing something wrong, as recently as 2 weeks ago we had yet another LEO shoot someone and get charged.

    Open carriers, pretty much all attention whores.

  20. Statistically ccdw license holders are the most law abiding people you’ll meet.

    Open carry… ?

  21. I might try solo camping/backpacking. I may open carry my 1911 just in case of wild animals. But otherwise I keep that shit unloaded, locked and hidden.

  22. When I wasn’t working from home (aka in an office), I CC’d every day for about 3 years. No one other than close friends knew. No one needed to know.

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