What’s a fact that was taught in school that’s been disproven in your lifetime?

  1. I was told in Kindergarten that Santa Claus is real. Apparently, and this is news to me, he isn’t? I still don’t know….

  2. Elephants are afraid of mice. This myth is likely due to the fact that elephants have a very sensitive trunk and can be startled by small animals. However, there is no evidence that elephants are afraid of mice. In fact, elephants have been known to interact with mice peacefully

  3. In the U.K. they taught the tongue had different sections for tasting different things. Like the front would do sweet, middle sour, back salty etc.

  4. At primary school, we were told that if we didn’t say grace, our lunch wouldn’t appear in our lunch boxes. Which is weird considering my parents used to prepare my lunch.

  5. There is an indicator in the pool that will change color if you pee. I had to bust this myth myself.

  6. Up until grade 8, we weren’t allowed to use calculators because they said we wouldn’t be using them in real life.

    I don’t know a single adult that doesn’t use their calculator

  7. I was told that i should respect girls because they’re special, finished uni and i still don’t think they were right

  8. canada allows immigrants to maintain their identity while the US forces them to assimilate.

    a lie propagated thru the canadian school system for decades

  9. I remember reading in a textbook in 2016 that all the world’s rainforests would be gone by 2015. I think the book was from the 90s.

  10. Perfect penmanship, including cursive, was critical for success.

    Its been 20+ years since I’ve written in cursive. Zoomers look at my penmanship like I have a special powers. But we had hours of class time practicing and were graded on it.

  11. The atomic model of electrons flying in nest little orbits. I think that was disproven while I was still learning it though.

  12. I’m old enough that when I was in school, we were literally taught in Health Class that people being gay was a mental disorder.

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