How often do you post on Instagram? For posts and stories

  1. Almost never–maybe if I take a selfie that I really like or if my cat is doing something cute. Maybe once or twice a year.

  2. I don’t have an Instagram account, not even to follow other people. It was harder to resist peer pressure when I was in my early twenties, but by now it feels like my disinterest in it is easily accepted.

  3. I post once a month or less to share travel pics or big events, and a random number of stories on the weekends depending on how social I feel lmao

  4. Stories maybe once a month. Mostly of other people/places. Posts? Maybe like once or twice a year. I don’t know when I developed a self confidence issue with posting photos of myself online, I used to post pretty often and have a decent amount of followers/friends. Just seems all fake now. I over analyze too much. Instagram just isn’t fun for me anymore. But I lurk!

  5. Stores? Daily. I post songs, memes, sometimes stuff from my real life. On my actual grid? Maybe every other month.

  6. I don’t do the stories thing. But I upload pictures pretty regularly. Not like daily or anything, but regularly. None of which are complimentary to myself. Usually involves my kid being a clown, my husband doing man stuff, or something goofy when I’m making a stupid face. I’m also part of the car scene so I upload pictures of my car regularly too.

  7. I pretty much only post pictures while traveling or when I have a significant event in my life, i.e. family/close friend weddings, graduations, etc. I might post on my story while planning a trip back to my home town, so my friends know I’ll be around before I reach out to make plans.

  8. I haven’t posted on instagram in like 3 years. I don’t even really use my account. It just kinda is there for when I get bored of everything else i’ll just go take a look at what ppl posted and get on my way🤷‍♀️

  9. I’ll share funny posts and reels to my story daily. But posts/stories about my real life are just when something interesting happens. But if something interesting is happening I’ll post several in one day.

    Or if my cats are getting extra cute

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