Those in a relationship, what does the average weeknight look like for you and your partner?

  1. One of us makes dinner (we take turns) and then we eat together (usually watching a few YouTube videos as we do) and then do our own things/”parallel play” type stuff until my partner has to get ready for work. At that point, I make our lunches and set up my overnight oats and fill our water bottles. When they’ve gone to work (overnight shift), I go to bed. It’s not terribly exciting, but it works well for us.

  2. I make dinner, we eat, hang out with our little
    one for a couple hours before she goes to bed, then either sex or video games, then sleep.

  3. I like to cook so I often do a bit more than my partner, but after work he will often do some chores or random house quests while I figure out dinner.

    we eat and usually watch an episode of a show we are working thru together. then I often go out to my art studio and paint, and he games, or I lounge and he reads in our room, or similar to another poster — we do some kind of parallel play!

    then the activities move to bedroom (reading, youtube videos, other stuff lol), then sleeeeeeeep.

  4. dinner, talking, going for a walk (sometimes the gym) shower, snuggle, sex, bed; order of activities varies 😆

  5. I cook, we eat as a family, I put our son down and he cleans, then usually bed on our phones. Sometimes TV then bed.

  6. When the kids don’t have sports or something, I cook, we eat as a family, he does the dishes, I tidy up around the house and we do something with the kids before they go to bed. Whatever they’re feeling like just for quality time.
    Then we shower and watch TV, give each other massages, sex…whatever we’re in the mood for.

  7. Though my SO finishes work earlier at 3:30 and I finish closer to 5, I put something on for dinner. Kids are occupied on TV until we eat, and half the time the food I put on the table is cold from kids not being hungry and are unresponsive to my dinner calls (SO included). Chores, walk the dog, bedtime routine, go back to chores, catch up on social media, bed.

  8. We have 4 young kids. So dance class, soccer, church night for kids, dinner, sitting at home watching tv or playing on the swing set/toys and Bath nights. Kids are in bed by 8 and we follow around 8:30/9:00pm.

  9. We call the end of day and weekends our “bubble”.

    A whole lot of relaxing, catching each other up on the day, we make dinner, do some parallel play, brush teeth , make the bed, check the house, turn lights out, cuddle and talk with a show until we fall asleep. It’s one of the best times of the day right next the mornings where we have sexy time and make breakfast in bed or I make him food for work. I love it.

  10. We meet up at home, I let the dog out, start supper (sometimes he cooks), I let the dog back in, finish cooking, we eat while watching something and he plays Xbox, I tidy up and feed the dog, I shower, let the dog out, watch more TV or play with the dog or take the dog for a walk, let the dog back in, go to bed. Unless it’s Thursday, then I’m drinking at my best friends then come home and go to bed.

  11. I make the dinner, we watch something while eating and catch up. Then we play and cuddle with our dog on the couch. I’m currently pregnant so my partner tries to feel some kicks through my belly. We cuddle some more and watch tv shows. Then I take our dog for a walk. I usually go to bed earlier.

  12. I make the dinner, we watch something while eating and catch up. Then we play and cuddle with our dog on the couch. I’m currently pregnant so my partner tries to feel some kicks through my belly. We cuddle some more and watch tv shows. Then I take our dog for a walk. I usually go to bed earlier.

  13. My partner usually makes dinner, we eat together and play with the dog. He goes and plays some computer games, I watch tiktoks on the couch with the dog, sometimes I read. (i’m 8 months pregnant so I don’t do much).

    I usually go to bed early and watch TV, and he comes in and joins me and we watch something together before going to bed! We usually have a snack beforehand too!

  14. I pick up the kiddo from school and we hang out at home until my partner finishes work. We all hang out for a while, usually in a cuddle pile, and then dinner is made (we have a weekly roster of who cooks that night). After dinner, whoever didn’t cook does the dishes and the other one hangs out with the kiddo. At 7pm I put the kiddo into the shower & bed while my partner games for a little bit. After kiddo’s bedtime routine is done, my partner and I (do any/all/variation of) sit and talk all night, binge tv, take a bath together, foreplay, sex, play a board game, I nap beside him while he games. Then it’s bedtime for us.

  15. I cook dinner and direct bedtime flow for the kids and pets. He unwinds from a physical job and helps as needed. If the preschooler goes down easily we may hang out and watch a show until we pass out in the couch. It’s predictable and cozy

  16. He works on the road alot but when he is home it’s more dinner, movie, both play with kid and then just really hanging out and enjoying each other’s presence.

  17. I cook, he keeps me company and we chat about our day. He tries to tire out our new wildly active pup until dinner. We eat dinner and then I clean up while he tries again to tire out our pup. Sometimes we go out for ice cream (like tonight), then when we get home I make tea or sometimes a mixed drink and snuggle with each other and the dogs, watch a little tv, we take the dogs out for a last little romp and then bed. We go to
    bed fairly early as we get up early and hit the gym together in the mornings

  18. I try to cook dinner before I pick up our son. If I don’t, I cook with my kiddo and that’s when my partner comes home. We might play outside, then we have dinner, maybe a walk, and then little one heads to bed.

    Then thats really when “our” time starts. We both clean some and then sit around and talk to each other about whatever. We might watch a game if it’s in that night. Life is pretty low key and mundane but that’s life with a young kid.

  19. I try to cook dinner before I pick up our son. If I don’t, I cook with my kiddo and that’s when my partner comes home. We might play outside, then we have dinner, maybe a walk, and then little one heads to bed.

    Then thats really when “our” time starts. We both clean some and then sit around and talk to each other about whatever. We might watch a game if it’s in that night. Life is pretty low key and mundane but that’s life with a young kid.

  20. My husband has an inconsistent work schedule, so our set weeknight routine is really basic dinner + TV because that’s usually all the time we have. He comes home somewhere between 6pm-9pm. I prep dinner and he calls me when he’s on the way then I start cooking. He comes home and greets me and our pup, then goes upstairs to take out contacts/change. We eat dinner and watch TV in the living room. He goes upstairs between 8:30-9pm every night. During this time I do a quick kitchen clean up, pack leftovers for lunch, and take our pup out for his last break before bed. By the time I go upstairs he’s already asleep (he’s one of those people who falls asleep the moment his head hits the pillow.) He regularly works 10-12 hour days and travels for work every week so I try to make the most of our 2ish hours together on the couch when he’s actually home!

  21. We don’t live together, so there is no super routine night for us. But lately we have been trying different restaurants in our area and then going home and cuddling up to watch a show or movie before pillow talk in bed before we’re off to sleep. Sometimes he’ll want to game a little bit here and there, so I’ll bring my own game to play or a book/craft etc. This is ideal from time to time as we both value our “me time”, but while still being near each other. He feels like home.

  22. I usually cook dinner and feed the kids before he gets home from work, then he gets home and we put the kids to bed together. Then we have dinner and wash the dishes together once the kids are asleep. Then we go to bed and watch TV or have sex, depending on the night/moods/stress levels 🤷‍♀️

  23. We either cook dinner or go to the gym together and pick something up depending on the day. We always eat together and watch an episode of whatever we are currently watching. Then we do our own thing if one of us has work to do which is most nights or we both mindlessly scroll through social media/watch tv until I go to bed first.

  24. Take turns making dinner so its ready by 3pm (both work from home thankfully). Eat, finish up work, walk dog if she hasn’t been out yet, then gym. Home by 8pm, feed cst and dog, shower if we didn’t at the gym, chill w a movie or some youtube with a j or bowl. I usually go to bed a bit earlier to read and get sleepy, partner follows and we go to sleep together. Sometimes sexy times, sometimes too tired.

  25. I cook dinner, he does the dishes, spending time with our son and puppy, when son goes to bed we usually sit on the couch and eat ice cream and watch Netflix until our bedtime. I’m 35 weeks pregnant so it’s not exactly exciting these days

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