Sometimes I get asked by complete random strangers and they ask me “what’s up?”. Honestly I don’t like weirdos talking me on the street and asking me such a such a generic question. But it is polite to give at least some acknowledgement. So I’m trying to come up with a bunch of snarky answers. Some I have are: “not a damn thing”, “just minding my own”, “nothing that’s going to make the front page” (if they respond of course not you could say never say never), “got any other questions?” (if they ask what?, you could say good question and then explain that it’s literally the inverse of asking what’s up?, it’s a joke), “look at a map” (the north is technically up if you think about it), “we’re talking apparently, that’s good”, “nothing specific”, and “the next level”. Also a more complicated response could be “what do they say?”. Implying that they must ask everyone, like asking “what’s up?” with you going around asking “what’s up?”

Any more?

  1. Do you know why they’re asking you what’s up? I’ve literally never had a stranger come up to me and ask what’s up for no reason. Maybe a homeless man on drugs, but never a completely random stranger. If it is a weird dude, keep your head down and keep walking. I’m not saying ignore everyone, but trust your instinct. I wouldn’t be snarky just in case, someone just unsolicitedly aggressively asking people what’s up is probably looking for trouble.

  2. The sky, birds, towers, trees and now my patience, my patience is up, leave me alone you cretin and then maybe spit on them or in their drink, middle finger, eye contact the whole time and then run back spit on them again and then leave

  3. I’ll advise you to give a practical response rather than a “smart” response.

    “The sky” or “The ceiling” are super-common responses to this question.

    So any variation of these responses will likely seem desperate, uncleaver, and not amusing.

  4. I would advise avoid giving snarky responses to strangers. While it’s understandable to feel uneasy with random people approaching you, it’s preferable to respond politely or just ignore them and keep walking. If you do want to respond, it’s best to do so in a way that doesn’t invite further conversation.

  5. It’s just how we talk. We aren’t asking what’s up, we are saying what’s up. It’s just a greeting like yo, but it’s what’s up. Not very serious. Also you could have earplugs in. You’re not expected to acknowledge everything. Find how to live comfortably as you and rock it without apology. 🙂

  6. God damn your kinda over complicating this dont ya think? Usually im like nm nm, just chilling, whats good? Whats up with you?

  7. My blood pressure? Idk if they’d get it right away but that could also be fun to let simmer

  8. “Not my brain…”
    “Not my mood, that’s for sure!
    “My mood, now that I see you!”
    “Livin my best life.”
    “Ohhh.. a little of this, a little of that”
    I’m sure I’ll think of more later.

  9. Just say “what’s up” or nothing at all? I dunno why you’re putting 10x more effort than the random stranger you won’t see again

  10. After a quick look through OP’s profile you’re having a mental health crisis and it’s very likely that people are checking in to see if you’re okay. You should see a professional as soon as possible or go to your nearest emergency room. They will give you a place to live and food to eat while they work on a recovery plan with you.

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