Mother’s day is a sensitive subject for my mom, mostly because her mom passed a few years ago and my dad is rarely home on Mother’s Day. She asked for a specific gift this year, which I bought her, along with another gift. However, I forgot to get her a card. I ended up going out to get her one, but she’s still upset, especially since my sibling didn’t get her one either. I don’t know how to make it up to her. I’ve never been passionate about holidays (I usually don’t even ask for gifts on my birthday), and I guess I didn’t understand that a card specifically was important to her. I already offered to take her out to brunch later, and I apologized at length, but I don’t know what else to do to make up for it. Thank you.

  1. Your mom is upset about not getting a card but you got her gift? Wow. Seems extremely shallow & self-absorbed. She should be happy you got her a gift.

  2. Wait a few days and get her a new card that says something along the lines of ‘every day is mothers day, because I love you every day’ or something similar.
    Dont add another apology to it though, just write down Things you appreciate that she does every day
    Maybe wake you up or make you breakfast or give you a kiss. List a few Things that you appreciate her for

  3. You have done enough. Her emotions are not your responsibility. You have given her a lovely gift, you’ve received animosity instead. You’ve apologized despite not intending harm. You have done enough.

  4. Oh, honey. You did enough. You really did. It sounds like your mom is depressed and no matter what you gave her, it wouldn’t have made her happy.

  5. You’re 15.

    You can’t make your Mom happy, that’s her job. She should be thankful you went and got her anything. Honestly,I would just be happy with a hug and my children to spend time with me.


  6. You remembered the day and got her a gift. That’s plenty.

    While you should be respectful of her feelings, you shouldn’t be taking responsibility for her emotions like this. It’s a role reversal that’s putting too much on your shoulders.

    You’re 15. You’re the kid and she’s the parent.

  7. Imagine being a grown adult getting that mad over a piece of cardboard.

    You did nothing wrong.

  8. I’m sorry she is like this. You didn’t deserve any criticism after getting her a gift. Don’t feel guilty, please. She needs to look at her own actions and get it together as your parent.

  9. Ffs, you got her the present. She’s being ridiculous getting all bent out of shape about a card. This is coming from a mom, cards are stupid wastes of money and trees. Make her a card if it’s that important to her, but let her do her thing and know that it’s really not your fault she’s deciding to be mad.

  10. it sounds like her emotions are getting the best of her and she’s just being unreasonable

  11. God by the headline I thought you were going to say you didn’t do shit for your mother for mother’s day…That you forgot or that you didn’t think it was important.. but you got her a gift… if that’s not enough for her then that is her problem. It’s about the fact you are thinking of her and showing her your love and appearance. Whether that’s a card, gift, flowers, dinner, or whateever….

    Well your mom is a little absurd with her being upset getting a gift and no card… well i guess apologize and move on, and then next year give her a crappy hallmark card and be done with it…

  12. You did wonderful by the gifts for Mom. I suppose she expected a card to go with it. I would buy her a few lovely roses, A CARD and put a beautiful message in it. Take her to brunch and present it to her and never forget a CARD again when it comes to her occasion. My parents died from smoking and I still buy them cards for any occasion. With my own Mom, A card meant more to her than any gift or money I could enclose. It has to come from one’s heart.

  13. Hey. My mom was like this when I was your age. She continues to be like this to this day. The only difference is age has taught me that managing someone else’s feelings is absolutely not my job. You are enough. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not – no matter how much you love them and how much they say they love you. Love is not conditional.

  14. Aren’t yours responsibilities of your mom’s emotional feelings! Are you a great daughter, with the time she’ll realize that you made what was possible for there moment.

  15. Oh no! You did enough. Sounds like a major over reaction on her part. I would suggest that next time I would make her a free card on Canva. I do that for my mom every year now and she loves it. I would give her some time and every year she can make you feel bad at Thanksgiving and Christmas about that one time when you were 15 ans forgot to give her a card. Sorry, projecting sounds like my mom.

  16. This was how my mom was growing up and I felt like you do now. Now that I’m an adult looking back, I can say that it was not a flaw with you or I as the child. Just the fact you’re thinking about it means you are very thoughtful. You can’t fix her emotions, that’s up to her. If she’s depressed because of circumstances on Mother’s Day, it’s up to her to seek the support (therapy) to help her get through those emotions. A card isn’t going to solve her problems and it’s not up to you to do that either. You are enough!

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