Long story short my (37f)son started baseball last week (he’s 6 it’s like T ball) Very attractive dad kept staring at me the majority the practice I was literally the only one and only thing in that area. Checked him out after and saw that he didn’t have a ring. His son also said goodbye to mine after I guess they’re in the same class together for school. Fast forward to this week practice, he was in front of the fence I was behind the fence with my step mom. He turned around quickly and started talking about our kids being in class together. We made some small talk back and forth anytime he had the chance to turn around and chat with my step mom and I he did. At one point we were talking about the zoo and I said yeah we have a zoo pass and he was like oh we have a zoo pass toO. was talking to another one of my sons friends mom about it the next day and she said he’s recently divorced. It’s been so long since I’ve hit on someone outside of an app… and this is obviously not a bar… please help!

  1. Just be forward. Men appreciate it in this climate of uncertainty in dating!

  2. This is literally how I met my girl last year. I was at the games for my nephew who plays on her sons team. After going to every game during the year and not speaking she came up to me after the last game asked me if I wanted to grab a beer.

    It’s been just short of a year, they are on the same team again and now we go to the field together.

    Just ask, you got this.

  3. I think you both already started hitting on each other 🤣

    With that said it might be better to do something without the kids before doing things together with the kids but you’ll have to gauge that. I say that because I had a good relationship that went down the toilet really fast once the kids were introduced (just introduced them before our relationship was solid enough) but maybe since the kids already know each other it could be different?

    The goal should be to do something as adults though so see if you can get his number to plan “something” (keep it vague) then you can chat with him in private and see if maybe it can turn into something without the kids.

    Best of luck!

  4. Touch his arm at the right moments when you talk or give him compliments. It’s a great way of conveying interest without having to be super vulnerable

  5. > she said he’s recently divorced.

    Depending on how recent recently is, unless you only want some adult fun I’d take his interest as a compliment, skip this one and keep looking.

  6. Go for it girl, he sounds interested! Your kids would obviously like to go to the zoo, right?

    Gotta make sure they can hang out together 😉

    Seriously though, if you’re feeling signals, see if he and his kid want to go to the zoo with you and your child. Don’t be scared. You can lean in a little bit. You’ll know if it isn’t working, but it sounds like it almost certainly will.

    Nice thing about being mid thirties +: people are a little more willing to lean in together and signal interest. Less of the coy ‘will they won’t they’ BS. Try to signal interest back- you probably won’t overdo it.

  7. Next time you see him just do your normal chit chat and then just ask “i was wondering, would you like to got a drink sometime?”

  8. He might of been nice,but on the other you don’t know why he is recently divorced?? Attractive plus recently divorced is a sign to find out before you start something

  9. >At one point we were talking about the zoo and I said yeah we have a zoo pass and he was like oh we have a zoo pass toO.

    Normally, I would advise that you do the adult date thing. But in this case, if you aren’t sure, you could always arrange a play date at the zoo. Kids could play and adults can chat.

    Get to know him better, and maybe you’ll find out more about him, etc. His recent divorce, and he might ask you out. If he’s not interested, its just a play date with the kids.

  10. If he kept looking at you and now is making small talk with you, there is a good chance he is into you. I would wait it out a little and see if he makes the first move. If he doesn’t or you can’t wait, then just straight up ask him if he would like to grab a drink.

  11. So now it’s half and half some say wait it out let him make the first move and others say go for it… I am not normally a patient person soooooo now what 😂

  12. Tell him he looks nice, or he’s good with kids. Make eye contact and smile. Try to establish an inside joke. Assuming he’ll ask for your number, make sure to reference that inside joke over a text exchange. Good luck and enjoy!

  13. Sounds like you should suggest a Zoo double date with the kids, this gives you a great venue to get to know each other.

  14. Ask him if he wants to use the zoo passes together and maybe not bring the kiddos.

  15. Here I am coaching the team like a sucker when I could be socializing with the moms. J/k

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