The order of the pictures is 2,1,3,4,5,6,7.

I finally caved in, was a mixed emotion between “I didn’t care anymore”, “you are already not getting any matches, what worse could happen?” and “I feel somewhat better about myself now”. So here is an updated profile.

I have a few more pictures that I need to swift through (with an without a hat/beanie). Updated the prompts, removed any overly used emojis/exclamations.

Updated everything that I thought are important to me and essential for other people to get an idea.

Bumble –

I am on Hinge too. Don’t have the screenshots of it just yet. I’ll probably update the post later in the day and also add the extra photos.

  1. I think this is a great start — I just want to give you my impressions as a woman very candidly, and why I would swipe left:

    – I find your intro a little confusing. I don’t quite understand what the first half is saying, and it took me a second read to understand what you were saying in the second half. I’d just keep the second half and expand so that I can get more of a specific idea of who you are.

    – Most of your prompts need a redo, IMO. Of *course* the world would be better with more kindness, but that tells me nothing about you or what dating you would be like. Same with the paper airplanes prompt. I’d stick to the formula of “you, me, us” — one prompt to flesh out what you bring to the table, who it is you’re looking for, and what a relationship with you might look like.

    – Your “perfect first date” prompt is at least more specific and individualized, so I like where you were going — EXCEPT the fact that this is what you want for a *first date*? You want to fall in love under the Milky Way on the *first date*? I recommend you keep the specificity, but choose another prompt or rework this one a little bit so it’s a bit more first date appropriate.

    – Your photos are in an okay spot IMO, but I agree with you that more without a hat would do you some good. I am not a fan of your first photo, however. I think you’re an attractive dude but that isn’t quite showcasing it as well as it could. Try a non-selfie photo in full color where you’re smiling, ideally from torso up. You can prop your phone up somewhere in a well-lit room of your house and use the timer function so that it’s not a selfie.

    I hope this feedback is helpful. I genuinely think with a little improvement you could find a lot of success. Good luck!

  2. You need better pics OP. More diverse-not just different backdrops but different expressions, an action shot or two, some with friends. I like the BIO joke-I think your profile is pretty good but I think the perfect first date is a bit trite and rom comy. Be more detailed about what you love to do/are passionate about. We need to see your eyes and honestly with the full facial hair it’s kind of hard to tell what you look like. But I like the overall vibe!

  3. Being brutally honest –

    Your about me doesn’t make sense. Delete the first paragraph. For the second paragraph, maybe change it to looking for someone to enjoy [the stuff you have listed] together” if you really want to keep that concept.

    You need better photos. Ask your friends to go take some. The only good one is the first one. Please don’t use a photo of you on your phone – it’s already annoying me like you’re going to be on the phone during the date.

    The ideal first date prompt is weird to me. Gives two polar opposite vibes. Are you a romantic, high effort guy or are you a lazy coffee/walk guy? Figure it out and put what is actually an ideal first date for you (something you can actually do in your area, don’t put waterfront if you don’t live by water and there’s no way to do that date, for example).

    The world would be a better place prompt is kinda useless, doesn’t say much about you.

  4. Being childfree is always challenging so I don’t think it’s all down to your profile! I also think you have too many pictures with hats. I think your profile would be stronger if you owned being bald in more of your pictures.

  5. I personally thought the Bio bit was funny 🤷‍♀️.

    This is nitpicky, but I recommend “cleaning up” your bio and prompts. As an example instead of “Thought chemistry…” change it to “*I* thought chemistry…”

    For your interests it would read better as “I love art – be it at a museum, theatre or anything that’s immersive. I also enjoy trying new restaurants, dive bars and cozy cafes.”

    If room allows you could also add something like “…and making jokes about science.” For people who might not be sure if you were joking in the “bio” bit or not.

    For the world would be a better place prompt you don’t need “with a bit more…” because that part is already in the prompt.

    Speaking of prompts, yours could be used better. As an example you have two referencing dating ideas *and* your featured question is about a date as well.

    I actually like your photos. I’m fine with people having photos without friends, because I’m interested in what they like.

    It’s a great start. It’s better than many profiles I come across. I think with a little more brainstorming on your prompts you could really stand out 👌

  6. Another thought – art, bars and cafe hopping are all things you mention in your bio. You could add the “My interests” section to add some different ones. The more hobbies/interests on your profile, the more potential connection points for people.

  7. I think your photos look pretty good. The bio does need a change though. Its too much to read and understand. Good luck

  8. I asked chat gpt for bio structure and it did not disappoint..

    Introduction: Start with a friendly greeting or attention-grabbing statement.

    Personality: Mention your MBPT type and enneagram to give a glimpse of your character.

    Interests: Share a few of your hobbies, passions, or what you’re seeking (spiritual connection in your case), or what you’re currently working on that you’re proud of.

    Humor/Quirk: Add a light-hearted element, a joke, or a quirky fact about yourself to show your personality.

    What You’re Looking For: Clearly state what you’re looking for on the platform, whether it’s a serious relationship, casual dating, or friends.

    A Hook: End with a question or a statement that encourages others to engage with you. This could be related to your spiritual community-building goal.

    I agree with this formula because since implemented it on my own profile, I started getting more and better matches. (And I’m disabled so if it works for me imagine what it’ll do for a handsome guy like yourself)

  9. I personally found the bio piece hilarious and think you’re a total babe.

    The prompts come across a little weird and insincere for some reason? It doesn’t click with the dry humor in your bio, so I go from thinking “oh, this guy is funny and interesting” to “how awkward is our first date going to be if he wants to fly paper airplanes and trap me in a candlelit dinner where we talk about how kindness is a virtue?” or “what would we even talk about while getting coffee? Velocity? Paper airplanes?”

    I would change your prompts to be more about you than about what you want in other people and/or dating.

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