So I (26F) met this guy (26M) here a couple years ago. We got along really really well, talked for hours every week on video chat and basically like each other in every aspect. But then we are both a bit broke and live in basically different continents and cannot meet in person. So we just decided to keep it a bit casual and flexible where we reach out only when necessary not to get really attached.

I feel these butterflies in stomach when talking to him, being with him and I bet we would make a great couple if we were in the same place but then one never knows too of course.

As he cannot visit me, I may have a chance to visit him and I really want to. It’ll be be straining financially and I’ve never been there before, and all by myself too. I can stay there a bit, he wants to cover the expenses, so we can share. I trust him but then wonder if this is unrealistic and unsafe and childish.

I am scared to think wjat may happen after we meet and if things go bad or not.

Have you ever been in this situation and what happened?

TL;DR! Met a guy online and been talking for some years and we may meet but I’m scared nevertheless.

1 comment
  1. Don’t financially strain yourself to meet up with someone you’ve met online. If you have fun money to blow, sure, buy yourself a vacation that happens to give you a chance to meet up.

    Don’t stay at his home.

    Don’t stay at a hotel he is paying for.

    Don’t build up a meeting with expectations that you’ll have explosive passion for each other and amazing chemistry. If you meet, go into it like what it is: a first date.

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