Exactly the title. I have always wanted to visit these big stadiums in London and quite like football. I won’t say that I know many things about it but just want to go to an affordable match with a great atmosphere. I would prefer if it is West ham for some reason, but open to any suggestions and to know if it is safe.

  1. Yes, BUT

    1) It’s hard to get tickets for a popular game unless you buy hospitality, which is anyway completely protected

    2) You must not support the team whose supporters you are NOT sitting with.

  2. It’s a family occasion and you should be fine.
    Stay away from people who are strange, drunk or unnecessarily flatulent.

  3. Based on your username I’m assuming your 106 so yeah should be fine tbh just be careful on the stairs.

  4. Fulham has a neutral stand, and never Any trouble. I’d avoid Derbies and big rivalries. I’ve been going to Chelsea for years and trouble is very rare.

  5. Yeah it is safe, if you feel nervous you can always sit close to the family zone for the first few matches, I think all stadiums have them. Also, try to find out where the rowdiest areas are (usually full of season ticket fans) and avoid them. I am a woman and always like sitting with the rowdy lot but I have been going to the football since I was a child, I recommend it when you get more used to it but only in the home stadium of the team you support at first!

  6. Girl or woman? A 6 year old girl should perhaps consider other options but an 18 year old woman will be fine.

  7. do you mean a kid / teenager or a young woman? if you’re asking for yourself, yes you will most likely be fine, just don’t cheer for the away team in the home stands! i sit on my own sometimes when my partner and i can’t get seats together, and have never felt unsafe.

  8. Football matches are very safe, you’ll have no trouble. The only thing is the football crowd is quite rough. So you’ll see a lot of drunken, rowdy people screaming abuse at referees and players. You’ll be in your seat and an enomous man behind you will scream “PUT IN THE FUCKING BOX!”. It’s like going to the zoo.

  9. Yes it’s perfectly safe, just not everyone finds it pleasant (particularly if trying to use the facilities at half-time).

    Like any event with large crowds, kids under a certain age should go with an accompanying adult, though you’ll often find kids looking after the adults – those are some of the people to avoid! There’ll also be a few blokes who’ve had a skinful and a few that’ve taken something stronger. Again easily spotted and easily avoided

    Don’t try and buy off ticketing sites or random other places on the internet – you’ll get scammed. Buy off official club websites only.

    Yes that can be difficult because tickets are in very high demand and many clubs have restrictions like needing to be a member first… which tells you that a random site offering tickets to a sold-out match is pulling a fast one.

    West Ham is actually an exception for ticket availability, mainly because their stadium is much bigger than their old one and the London Stadium is just about the worst place to watch football in the world (and I’ve been to plenty!)

    My team has been in the Premier League for a few years now but honestly if you’re just there for the atmosphere/experience, go to your local football league club instead of premier league – sounds like you’re London so you’ll have choice (just not Millwall!)

    Good luck

  10. West Ham you should be alright, I’ve heard the Emirates gets a bit gropey though when they get a late winner

  11. I’ve done it! Don’t really know much about football and after years of my dad trying to get me to go, I finally agreed and he couldn’t make it.

    Ended up going alone and it was great. Atmosphere of being there in person really made it feel exciting and you get carried away with it. I was next to a lovely couple who instantly realised my understanding of the game was limited to kicking the ball into a goal and an appreciation of cute players lol.

    There were a lot of families, I tried to avoid big groups of guys and never went near any of the local pubs, especially after when there were some clearly drunk people in the area.

    Nobody really bothered me though, just the usual stuff that some guys do but that happens anywhere.

    My dad picked the game, I’m not sure if it makes a difference which team/teams you watch.

    I’m still a football noob but going again with dad later this year.

  12. You can get tickets to the women’s league much easier, it is very safe, and some of the big matches are played in the main stadiums. Great atmosphere.

  13. Depends how old the girl is I guess. I would say anything from 15 and older should be fine.

  14. It’s possibly worth staying away from Stamford Bridge – it is silent, which can be scary. Sometimes you have to clap to remind yourself that you’re not deaf.

  15. You’ll be perfectly fine. 20% of the crowd will be women. If in the VERY rare situation that you ended up in trouble I’d almost bet my life on the blokes around you making sure you don’t get caught up in it.

  16. the are dangers everywhere for women and MEN, but you have to live , do not let this fear that is put in us now dictate everything you do

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