At what age did you start noticing your hairline receding?

  1. 16. Completely bald by 20. I just shave my head and have since I first noticed it. Luckily I grow a great beard. Unfortunately, literally the only place I don’t grow hair is my head

  2. My hairline isn’t receding but I am developing a bald spot on the top of my head.

    I’m 32, and I first noticed it a few years ago.

  3. Mid 20s.

    Not a big deal. I’ve shaved the top and kept the sides short for decades.

    As a result, people tell me I look the same as way back when. Probably not accurate, but not worrying about hair is a great time and money saver.

    Plus, chicks love the bald look – even more, I was surprised to learn after a craniotomy and massive scar with staples that chicks love scars.

  4. 21. Nothing was so challenging at that age as figuring out how to adjust to something like that, while deciding what to do with my life. Then, there were all the expectations that I, as a man, would have my life figured out, while the young women could just “find themselves.”

  5. Started getting a nasty widow peak by the time I was 13. When I graduated highschool at 18 I was trying the short flat-too and started shaving it by the time I was 20. Decided not having to care about hairstyles or worry about male pattern baldness was a big plus in the long run.

  6. I’m 28 and haven’t noticed much yet. Maybe slight loss on my left temple but it has been that way for years. Hopefully I can hold on for a long time🙏🏻

  7. Hair started thinning when I was probably 22 or so, now a decade later and I’m getting close to buzzing it off entirely.

  8. I was 16 when I started noticing it and by 19 it was really far back and then by 21 I just started shaving it completely.

  9. 18 to 19 unfortunately for starting to lose hair but I’ve been on stuff to try and keep it and it has worked pretty well. I also usually have a short buzz cut but it does grow out pretty much okay but with a little bit of diffuse thinning

  10. Ive had a receding hairline since i was a child in elementary school, i remember kids telling me id go bald at a young age. My father has the same hairline and hes close to 70 with a full head of hair, only about half is grey. So far im getting close to middle age with a full head of hair so im hoping it will be the same for me.

  11. 36 and still haven’t noticed any. Blessed with good hair genetics; multiple male relatives on both sides of family have/had plenty of hair into their 80s and 90s.

  12. 16. Shaved in since 22 when I got to nw 2. Did some travelling and lost my skill shaver and it grew out. Found that I was still norwood 2 at age 29. Now I’m 31 and doing the dut/minox route. Very strange. If I get sides, I’ll hop off and shave my head again since I learned to like my bald head. Very strange though.

  13. I’m 28, so maybe 26-ish?

    Been on finasteride for about a year now and I couldn’t be happier about it. If you’re thinking about it, just go for it, the hardest part is getting over the stigma and asking a dermatologist for help.

  14. My mom told me loudly in front of a bunch of girls I had over when I was 16 :/ was manageable until 22 when it fell out fast and I shaved my head at 23

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