So I go to a normal non religious state college that I worked my ass off to go to.

My psycho ex whom I’ve been trying to get away from has been blocked on all forms of social media and phone number. Recently, he got one of those fake texting apps.

So he texted me saying that if I don’t unblock him he will start posting my explicit pics/vids I had sent to him while we were together on 🌽sites and only friends, to make it look like I was the one posting the content. Then he would send the content to my college/spread it around in order for me to get kicked out and ruin my reputation.

So what can I do in this situation? How do I handle him?

I’ve done just about everything but getting a no contact order placed on him

  1. Save all of his threats. Screen grabs, etc. Go to your school’s administration and ask for their help and guidance.

    >he texted me saying that if I don’t unblock him he will start posting my explicit pics/vids I had sent to him while we were together on 🌽sites and only friends, to make it look like I was the one posting the content. Then he would send the content to my college/spread it around in order for me to get kicked out and ruin my reputation.

    Talk to the police. Revenge porn is a crime in many places.

  2. Like the others, you should contact the police for guidance.

    Posting porn like that w/o the permission of the subject (you) is a crime in most places and charges should be pursued, if possible.

    ETA: Also, an effective thing to do is… if you know and have a relationship with his mother, call her and tell her what’s going on. I GUARANTEE she’ll do something, if she’s a normal human being at all.

  3. Show him the screen shots. Let him know any form of further communication even one single damn text and you go straight to the police with it.

  4. Save those messages, call the police and report him, talk to your collage administration about what’s going on, and that there’s an active police report in the works. No need to go into too much detail with them, but if they’re made aware of the potential of shit happening later down the road then they’ll already know that you’re not the one responsible for it.

  5. Take all his correspondence to an Atterny and ask him if he can help. Also, does not help to consult a police see they can help.

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