How would you react if a random dude came up to you and complimented you on your chest size?

  1. I mean, what can you do? Besides ask him to join you in the closest bathroom stall or just a good bunch of bushes.

  2. Only if he added a disclaimer that “He is saying this with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality”.

  3. In high school I got into free weights and got… well not jacked, but less soft anyway.

    A kid I’d known since middle school but no longer hung out with saw me in the hallway and said “dude you’re *huuuge”* and kept pressing his fingers into my pecs and squeezing my biceps to feel the resistance. It wasn’t sexual as much as like “let’s see if this is real.” He had always been more of a jock than me and it had a kind of *welcome to the club, bro* vibe to it. Then he grabbed me in a side hug and tried to lift me up but couldn’t. The whole time he was laughing and looking pleased like he had something to do with it.

    I felt flattered, but also embarrassed, and also a little weirded out.

    Then he tried to sell me drugs.

  4. I’ve been this random dude. I figure guys wouldn’t mind a compliment, especially if it’s something they put effort into.

  5. Bro im legit thirsty for compliments that id go on to my knees and begin succing him off there and then.

  6. I mostly laugh and say something along the lines of thank you or that I’ve made them myself depending on my mood 😂

  7. Torn. I’m fat. But I can also rep 325 on bench press.

    It’d depend on their tone I guess.

  8. It has happened, and we went straight to talking bench press. If he had tried to start stroking it it would have been another matter, but I’m more embarrassed for his girlfriend who he was there with. She didn’t want to touch my pecs, even though he asked her.

  9. “thanks bro” and then move along. Not interested in having extended discussions about fitness with people I just do my own thing.

  10. My chest is flabby not fit, so I’d get a little bit offended that he was taking a shot at me.

  11. Fantastic. Male-to-Male compliments are on the rise, and I’m here for it.

    My wife and I were recently at a sundowner at Mr. purple in Manhattan. Two guys stopped by both of us as they were leaving the bar, and one of them very calmly, as if he were a compliment angel, said to my wife, “This is a good-looking guy right here.”

    I tripped over my words, not expecting that at all. Then he doubled down and said “I’m serious, you’re a great looking dude. You guys have a good night.”

    Then they left into what I assume was a portal into heaven.

    None of us who witnessed that moment got the sense that he was gay or trying to give me a random wingman boost. It just felt like an authentic moment where he felt what he said.

    In a nutshell, let’s keep the positivity going. Men need to hear it as much as anyone else.

  12. i’m skinny as shit so i’d probably think he was trying to distract me so someone can sneak up n rob me. like someone else said, location matters HEAVY.

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