What is your vision when marrying someone?

The question on the title is asked by my (hopefully will be) father-in-law. He wants me to give my answer on our next meeting. It does not have to be something grand or overly ambitious of a life, but his point is that he didn’t want to marry his daughter to someone without no clear direction in life and marriage. He wants a clear goal for the 1st year, 3rd year, and 5th year. Whether it is achieved or not is not the main issue, it’s about direction and setting expectation, he says.

These question got me thinking really hard. I have my own long term goal, but when adding marriage to the mix, I haven’t think as much beyond having a partner and being loving and supporting each other.

I’m here to ask, what is your vision, goal in short and long term when you guys get married? And how does it turns out later on your marriage life? Please share your stories and experience.

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  2. > my (hopefully will be) father-in-law. He wants a clear goal for the 1st year, 3rd year, and 5th year.

    *Oh boy.* He sounds like future fun over potato salad.

    I’d be tempted to create a PowerPoint presentation with charts and Key Progress Indicators.

    My only vision in marrying was for my partner to get a green card.

  3. Sounds like his request is having the desired effect, however overbearing it might seem.

    For me, at the time and still now, was to support my wife in her career. She has a higher-earning, more stressful career which requires a lot more education than what I’ve got, so it just made sense and it’s something I’m happy to do because I love and respect her. That basically means I’m not putting my career first, above hers. Mine is also somewhat demanding but I know I’ll be the one to step down into a less demanding lower paying job whenever the time comes for that.

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