What is the most satisfying way you have gotten a man to leave you alone?

  1. Was playing a video game with randos using voice coms, this one guy was being super creepy. Started off making all these sexual innuendos to me, asking for my insta, telling me my voice was hot, how it was making him hard, etc. I kept ignoring him so then he started calling me a bitch and a slut. I agreed with him, told him that I fuck his dad, I’m the reason his dad left, and I’m going to give his dad a child that he’ll actually love. Dude was FOAMING, and then he rage quit lol

  2. Puking on him

    Long story short, guy at party kept bothering me, I felt super sick from drinking too much, puked all the fuck over him and he ran off, funniest shit ever.

  3. Kept making confused faces and putting a hand to my ear like I couldn’t hear him until he finally left me alone.

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