Has anyone here ever had a child-like appearance until you gained muscle and grew a beard? Maybe got some tattoos? How did your life change? Did people treat you differently?

  1. People started to ask me to do heavy lifting more often, even if it was something they could easy lift themselves. Before gaining noticeable muscle mass I was a tall and lanky guy, and even though I dressed like a metalhead not many people treated me like a mean/rude person. Yet after gaining noticeable muscle mass people started to see me as a threat, no matter what I wore. But the people who looked past what they saw on the outside really dug who I was, even though it was sort of rare. Even if I did more to seem friendly and all that.

  2. I exited high school looking like a young teen. Started working out, gained tons of muscle and grew started leaving stubble on my face. I don’t know what happened in the following year or two, and maybe it was a confidence thing but I was getting so much attention it was actually detrimental to me.

  3. Well, I can’t speak for the muscle thing, but I gained like 30-40lbs during college (stress ate a lot. Still trying to work it off)

    Went from having a baby face to patchy stubble, to eventually a “normal” beard that looks okay short but looks like a chin-combover when I grow it out

    Gotten a few compliments about how I look better with facial hair, and every once in a while my moobs get mistaken for pecs (most of the weight gain was in my chest, thighs, and ass with hardly any change to stomach).

    Life doesn’t really change, and if it did, it was a slow progression and hard to separate the difference from that vs going from “high school senior” to “mid to late 20s adult”. Aging probably had a bigger change for me than my grooming (now idk if the muscles would make a difference but the facial hair didn’t really)

  4. I grew a beard for a few years then shaved it off right after I gained all my muscle. I would say the muscle is the deciding factor.

    And people can only see my tattoo if I’m shirtless

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