I am turning 21 soon and I am wondering if people go to bars alone and make friends when they get there or if you are supposed to go with a friend.

  1. It’s how I met my ex so not sure if I’d recommend… Honestly did have quite a few fun nights out on my own and made the odd friend, it’s nearly impossible to make friends in my town if you didn’t make any at high school though, even at 40.

  2. I only go to bars alone and have been doing so for over 10 years. I’ve also been kicked out of some bars alone. They even called ahead to other local bars not to let me in.

    🎶*I’m an alcoholiiiiiic* 🎶

  3. It’s both safer and easier to go to the bar with at least one other person, and easier to make friends with other people that way too.

  4. Depends on your temperament? Don’t go expecting to make friends! lolololol.

    If it’s not too busy, the bartender can make a good conversationalist. They’re always willing to find out a little bit more about people visiting, and the longer you stay, the more money you’ll spend! Lol.

    So yeah, don’t go looking to make friends and instead have ANOTHER goal. Go to a bar alone to see if it’s suitable for a date. Get to know the bartender a little, learn what the good drinks are and if there’s something exceptional about the location. If you make good with the bartender, he or she can act a bit like your wingman to help you with a date.

    Some bartenders are just there for the paycheck, so it’s hit or miss.

    I’ve seen since people go to a bar to read a book. Sit in some portion of the bar with decent lighting and just enjoy the ambiance of people slurring their words as you read a book.

    If you go to a bad part of town, then maybe expect trouble. Otherwise, a uni bar is fun, a biz district bar is pricey, and bars near theaters are normally filled with people on dates. Bars near high density buildings might be more likely to be filled with singles looking to relax after work.

    Good luck and have fun!

  5. People always say you can, but honestly it’s one of the worst places to go to make genuine friendships. Every person I’ve met at a bar became an acquaintance at max. If you want to enjoy yourself and not just order a drink and leave, I suggest to bring friends.

  6. A lot of people will say NO.

    But unless you’re there to watch a sporting event, it’s not normal. If you’re there to meet friends, there are better venues as most people there are already with friends.

    If you’re there to meet girls (assuming you’re a guy), there are also better venues.

  7. Completely normal, take a good book with you or something you’d like to occupy yourself with. Don’t expect to end up talking to people, but don’t sit there with earbuds in.

  8. All of the bars I’ve been to were not bars you should go to alone. I have met new people there, but that took a while, and everyone was drunk at that point, so it was nice to have friends that i already knew (I also never saw those people again).

    But I also don’t live in America, and I do think it’s all very different than over here. And maybe those bars you see in movies in small town where people sit at the bar and talk to the barman until they meet someone new are also a thing?

    Also, if you’re a woman, I wouldn’t go alone. Because there is no one to watch your drink if you have to go to the bathroom and no one to take you home if you get too drunk accidentally.

  9. When I first turned 21 I was in a town I just moved to so I didn’t know many people so I said fuck it and just went out by myself and honestly some of the best times I’ve had were on nights I went out alone and I made a lot of friends. Nothing wrong w going by yourself, go for it 👍

  10. Good places to go by yourself and make friends are the cinema, park, parades ,stage shows and the beach

  11. I did that the other day for the first time (I’m 22). I wouldn’t do that if I wanted to make friends as a man. But as a woman, it’ll be easier for you (I assume you’re a woman). But yeah i think going to places like that is more for hooking up UNLESS, you just turned 21 and want to check it out. Which is fair. But who knows maybe you find yourself a great girl there. Idk

  12. I like to go to smaller bars when it’s not busy alone. To chat up with the bartender and customers, I’m not doing it to make friends but more just to talk to people.

  13. Go to make friends, no; probably acquitances though.

    Go with a friend to become better friends, most likely yes. Lol

    I went alone on occasion to help develop my social skills. Especially after reading Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Practicing the skills learned in that book has drastically helped me in both my professional and personal life.

  14. I do it all the time, but depends where you go. I don’t like crowds, so i have a spot I go to that’s quiet, I talk to the bartender or the other people sitting at the bar, if there are any. Live your life how you want, why care if it’s normal or not. BTW I’m only a few years older then you

  15. You’re not going there to make friends but to talk to random people about whatever is on your mind at the moment.

  16. shit, whether it’s normal or not. I did. and while i had a mediocre time. A couple people talked with me the whole night.

    men to women ratio was a drag lol

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