Yesterday, I had my first experience using the UK public transport system, specifically taking a train from Central London to Egham station. I used my credit card to board the train, assuming it was a contactless payment system. However, upon arrival at Egham station, I found out that contactless payment wasn’t accepted there.

I tried tapping my card on the reader, but it didn’t work. For some reason, all exit doors were open. so I eventually exited the station since everyone else was doing so. Many students seemed to have made the same mistake. Now, I’m uncertain about what I should do next. Should I report this incident, or will I face any consequences for exiting without properly paying the fare?

I’m an international student, and this was my first time navigating the UK’s public transport system. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  1. You are lucky because if they had staff members checking tickets on the train or at the barrier, you would have received a penalty fare. Don’t say anything.

    However, because you tapped in and never tapped out, I think you will receive the max fare billed to your card. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  2. I wouldn’t worry.

    They could only do anything if a camera was on the exit, and it would hopefully show you attempting to pay.

  3. You’ll most likely get billed a maximum fare (what this is, I don’t know) because you never successfully tapped out. The system knows you travelled, but just doesn’t know where.

    I wouldn’t worry about it any more, just ensure you buy a ticket next time.

  4. You will probably be fine. Don’t say anything unless you get billed,then just say, the machine must have not worked or something similar.

    Likelihood is you just bunked a train, and it’s not worth the follow up.

  5. Egham is outside of the London zones, so there is no possibility to tap out an oyster or contactless card. There would have been an announcement (usually several) on the train just before Feltham telling you that such tickets are not valid beyond the next station.

    You’ll be charged a maximum fare since you didn’t touch out, but just be glad there wasn’t a ticket inspector on the train and the barriers were open, otherwise you’d be looking at a penalty fare.

    Don’t say anything and remember to buy a ticket next time!

  6. I think you’ll be fine.

    The system will regard you as having forgotten to tap out. This results in a charge of the maximum one day travelcard.

    They don’t know which of the passengers you are or if you’re one who got out elsewhere. They also don’t know for sure you didn’t have a valid ticket.

  7. If you want to avoid a maximum fare you can create an account on the TfL website and register your card. You should then be able to see your journey history in there somewhere and it will show you if you have any incomplete journeys, which should include this one.

    From there you can then enter your exit destination (I’d choose any zone 1 station, probably one that is one stop from where you got on). It will ask you to pick a reason for incomplete journey, you can pick something like reader not working or something like that. You’ll then only get charged for a single fare rather than a max fare. In future you need to be careful as someone else mentioned if there were staff in Egham you could have got fined. Link to the login below:

  8. As others have pointed out you’ll be charged max fare which funnily enough is probably cheaper than the actual ticket fare itself as that’s usually around 20ish pounds for a return.

  9. Tap in tap out only works within the London Transport zones. You went beyond the valid zones for that. Next time check if your destination is covered. As others say, nothing will happen to you other than being charged a maximum fare on the card you used.

  10. On an aside, I hope you enjoy RHUL. It’s a fantastic uni and I miss it dearly. Make sure to go to the Happy Man and Windsor Great Park regularly!

  11. If you create an account on TFL and link the card you used to tap through the gate, you might be able to see the transaction and if does award you a full fare, there’s a chance you can dispute it, as it’s your first time. It might be just for the the TFL network though, but still worth a shot

  12. Sounds like you’ve got a ticket for the full journey anyway, next time just buy a ticket through Trainline if leaving London so you can scan or show it on the way out or if a ticket inspector comes through the carriage. Gates open is fine, you won’t get a fine.

  13. Do nothing. They’ll bill you maximum fare. When they do, call TfL and tell them what your actual trip was. If you have an account with TfL you can do it on your account instead

  14. Welcome to the UK. I am new-ish to the UK too and was once confused by the tube/rail/10 different ways to pay and how their fares could vary a lot. My impression is that the railway companies may not want you to tap in and out with your contactless card (maybe this means that TfL might take part of your fare as their share?), so they all have got a large Buy Tickets button on their websites but seldom explain very clearly that contactless card may be more convenient and help you save some £.

  15. Hand yourself in to the local police station to answer for your crimes. Usually they will give out a few years in high security prison for such a heinous act.

  16. Just call transport for London number for Oyster/payments and explain. This happened to me and they just authorised a charge of a peak journey cost to cover the travel. If not, worst case is you will be charged the max daily of £25. Don’t worry.

  17. You will have a maximum fare charge of £9.40 as the system would see an incomplete journey. Ring the number and ask for the journey data to be updated. You will be refunded the difference between max fare and actual journey.

  18. You’d have been issued an on the spot fine so you’re lucky there wasn’t anyone there. You’ll just get charged the maximum charge for a single journey which is probably going to be about £12. Don’t report it just leave it

  19. OP, if you’re a student you’re likely to be eligible for a 16-25 Railcard, which will get you a third off ticket prices. It’s well worth doing. The discount doesn’t apply to contactless so you’ll be spending more.

  20. Go onto the tfl website, it’ll show you gave an unfinished fare once you link your contactless payment card. Select a zone 1/2 station as where you tapped out, and you’ll be charged the normal £2.70. Select ‘forgot to tap out’ as your reason. This will avoid being charged max fare.

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